My Ecto

by gbuster1a

17 years, 2 months ago

Heres what I did to my '06 Corolla to make it look more like a ghostbusters car, people love it around here:

by UltimateGBfan

17 years, 2 months ago

It would look better white.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 2 months ago

It would look better white.

what was the point of posting that?

ugh..seriously people on these forums these days.

any who.

i think its awesome man!

represent the GBs in your own way!

rock and roll!



by importtuner760

17 years, 2 months ago

Is there a rack on the back ment to carry the proton packs?

by heslimedme251

17 years, 2 months ago

Is there a rack on the back ment to carry the proton packs?

“Hose Him!”
I think it's a bike rack!

I like it, I mean it would look more like the Ecto if the car was white, but at that…it doesn't really detract from the work you've done to it! And i'm sure you enjoy driving around and whatnot! Good stuff!

by gbuster1a

17 years, 2 months ago

Haha thanks guys, yes I agree it would have been better white, but unfortunately I work with what I have, and the everybody around here sure didnt mind. There was only a few problems when it rained. Since the rack was held on the roof by cargo straps, they would get soaked, and the rain would leak into the car, so I couldnt really drive around, expecially when it decided to rain on halloween over here. Luckily, I got a chance to drive around during the weekend, which is probably the most fun I would have had. And yea, the rack on the back of the car is for carrying bikes, not proton packs, lol.

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

I like how the roof rack is smaller than normal to fit nicely on.

I like it a lot, looks great

by 9sam11

17 years, 2 months ago

im not a really big fan of the whole, turning your normal car into a ecto kinda thing, but it looks ok anyhow, as long as you like it and people like it then its fine.

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 2 months ago

gbuster1a, you are invited to to be a part of the first official Trans-Continental Ecto Gumball Rally…. whenever that happens.

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

Trans-Continental Ecto Gumball Rally
Is that just a joke? If it is a joke I don't get it (*peter)