My Fan-fic

by J.Grant

17 years, 8 months ago

This is a romantic story.

A very haunted X-Mas

By: Janine Grant

(It was a week until Christmas and the Ghostbusters sign outside had a big wreath around the ghost logo. The firehouse was all ready for Christmas. They had their tree set up as well as all the Christmas decorations. Inside the firehouse, the boys were upstairs eating cartons of Chinese takeout for lunch in the kitchen while Janine and Slimer were talking at Janine’s desk. Slimer speaks like Scooby Doo. I just write what he says in a normal language to make it easier on the reader)

Ray- (Noticing that Egon was daydreaming with his head in his hands, dreaming about Janine) Spengler, you’re daydreaming
Egon- (He was still in a trance) I love you too, Janine. Marry me
Peter- (Shocked and poking Egon’s shoulder with his index finger but Egon didn’t budge) Egon’s gone bye-bye like if he’s seen a Twinkie
Winston- I know a way to snap Egon out of it (He whistles) Slimer! Janine!
Ray- I don’t want to know what you’re up to, Winston
Janine- (She and Slimer came into the kitchen) You shouted?
Ray- Egon’s dreaming about you and he asked you to marry him
Winston- (Pretending to be Janine, he whispers into Egon’s ear) Egon, this is Janine, kiss me
Peter- (He went to poke Egon’s head and Egon kissed Peter on the lips. He pulled away in disgust) Ew! Egon germs!
Egon- Marry me, Janine
Ray- (He slapped Egon’s arm) Wake up! Get out of your daydream!
Peter- (Bribing the semi-conscious Egon with a Twinkie held in his hands) I’ll give you a Twinkie, Spengs! (He put it near Egon’s mouth) C’mon, buddy!
Slimer- Waky waky!
Egon- (He came out of the trance, grabbed the Twinkie, and hugged it) Mine!
Janine- Boys, can you leave me alone with Egon. Slimer, you can join the boys upstairs
Ray- Sure, c’mon guys
Winston- Be nice to him, Janine
Janine- I will

(The boys and Slimer left the room. Janine sat in the chair next to Egon and they looked at each other in a very romantic gaze. Janine took Egon’s hands in hers lovingly)

Janine- Egon, the boys, including Slimer, know about us
Egon- Yeah, they found out when the six of us went camping
Janine- I know. Listen, when you were daydreaming, you asked Peter to marry you
Egon- (He was shocked as hell. He slapped the palm of his hand against his forehead in embarrassment) Oy!
Janine- (Laughing) You also said that you wanted to marry me and you were daydreaming about me. Did you really mean it?
Egon- With all my heart (They kissed) Janine, what would you like for Christmas?
Janine- (Laughing) Other than Peter being slimed by Slimer? The new B-52s CD. What about you?
Egon- The new Viewstar telescope
Janine- Cool (The phone downstairs rang indicating that someone needed the help of the Ghostbusters) I’d better get that

(Janine ran downstairs to get the phone. Fifi Lafret, the famous actress in Janine’s favorite movie “Hopeful love” was on the phone. Her voice was very deep like a Lauren Bacall type of voice)

Janine- Hello?
Fifi- Hello, my name is….
Janine- (Getting very giddy and very happy because of who she was talking to) Oh, my god! You’re Fifi Lafret! I love your movies! Can I help you? Please?
Peter- (He came downstairs laughing so hard because of the way the secretary answered the phone) Melnitz? Happy? (Laughing) Give a break!
Janine- Hold on, Fifi (Puts it on hold and is about to beat up Peter) Peter, would you like a black eye? Cause you will eventually get one! You’re also getting coal in your stocking this year for Christmas. Remember, Santa knows who’s been naughty and who’s been nice
Peter- (Angry) Bite me!
Janine- (Returns to her phone call) I’m back
Fifi- Please help me! There are three ghosts in my house. I’m at 33157 Malibu road
Janine- They’ll be right there
Fifi- Thank you, bye
Janine- (She hangs up the phone and shouts up to the boys in gray) Boys! (All the Ghostbusters, and Slimer, come downstairs) Ever heard of Fifi Lafret? (They shake their heads ‘no’) She’s my favorite actress. Please rid her house of ghosts! For me!
Ray- Sure, Janine, for you
Janine- (As they headed to the car, which was near her desk, she shouted) Make sure to leave Venkman there when you leave!
Slimer- Pleasee!

(The boys got into Ecto-1 and took off to Fifi’s house. They arrived at the French-looking mansion and were amazed at its size. It was a four-story mansion. The boys heard ghastly noises, coming from the inside of the house, as they approached the door. A beautiful, tall, woman with long chocolate brown hair, hazel eyes, and wearing a long black dress, opened the door. Every guy, except for Egon, of course, fell in love with Fifi)

Fifi- Hello. I’m Fifi Lafret. You must be the ghost-chasers, yes?
Egon- (Correcting her) Ghostbusters actually
Ray- (Noticing a blue class two specter above Fifi’s head) Ms. Lafret, please don’t move (The boys pull out their neutrino wands from the back of their proton packs and got rid of the ghost) One ghost down. The specters in your house are probably the destruction kind
Winston- Ray, how can you tell? Their ghosts!
Ray- Specters have a natural destructive instinct. Remember when we first met Slimer, and Al Capone’s ghost? They hunt any types of ghosts and people associated with the ghosts
Winston- Yeah
Peter- (Acting macho and being a complete moron) C’mon on out, Ghosties! Leave this lady’s house or we won’t get paid!
Ray- (All the ghosts at the house collectively leave and head towards the firehouse) nice goin’, Pete!
Egon- The only other ghost we know is….(He realized that Slimer could be the next target) Holy Monkey! We need to get home immediately!
Winston- (Speaking to Fifi as they were leaving) Send us the check, Ms. Lafret. Merry Christmas!
King Emma- (Suddenly, a huge ghost, who looked like a tyrant appeared. You could only see his face. He was the king of the underworld) All ghosts will be mine! I am King Emma from the underworld dimension. Fear me!

(Back at the firehouse. Slimer and Janine were in her office talking about Egon when the phone rang. Egon was the one at the end of the line, using Ecto-1’s car phone)

Janine- (She answers the phone) Hello?
Egon- Janine, you and Slimer are in danger (Janine sees many different ghosts float in and she screams) You alright, Janine? Be careful! We’re on our way!
Slimer- (Egon hung up the phone. Slimer sees one ghost on top of the filing cabinet trying to make it fall onto Janine) Janine, look out! (But it was too late, the cabinet fell on top of her and her back was crushed underneath it and she went unconscious) Oh, no!
Ghost #1- My fellow ghosts, we want this green one
Slimer- Oh, no (Blows raspberry and flies underneath Janine’s desk seeking sanctuary) Leave me alone!
Ghost #2- You belong to us! (They come closer and Slimer screams and flinches like Timon in Lion King 1½) Haha!

(The boys come home to the firehouse and were very shocked to see the whole office trashed and papers were everywhere as well as pencils everywhere. They were also shocked to see a fallen filing cabinet and didn’t notice that Janine was under it)

Winston- (Calling out) Janine! Slimer!
Peter- (Walking to their secretary’s desk) Janine! (He steps on her fingers and he looked down and saw her hand. Her other hand was out in front of her too) Hey! Anyone lose a hand?
Ray- (The boys rush over to Peter and are shocked to see Janine lying under the cabinet) Jesus! Oh, no. What happened?
Egon- (Panicking) We need to get the cabinet off of her. Pete, you and Winston move the cabinet off her while we get her out from under there
Peter- (Disappointed) Oh, c’mon! Her fingers are fun to step on
Ray- (Egon slapped Peter) Winston, help me (They pull her out as the others deal with the cabinet) She’s out cold
Winston- (Looking over at Egon) Who could have done this?
Peter- (Angrily) Slimer!!!
Egon- Don’t think he’s here, Peter. King Emma’s minions must have taken him. They might also have been the beings that hurt the one I love
Winston- (Inspecting her back and noticing that there was a lot of blood seeping through her shirt) Egon, she needs a doctor (Pressing down on her back and hearing the bones crack) It’s broken. Her spine is out of place
Peter- We are doctors
Egon- Shut up, Venkman (He thinks carefully about a solution) Ray, get the Spine Adjuster from my lab
Ray- (He goes upstairs, gets the black rifle-looking machine and brings it to Egon) This it?
Egon- Yeah. Pull up the back of her shirt so I can get a clear shot of where it’s broken (Ray pulls up Janine’s shirt till just below her bra. Egon aims the gun at her back and fires. A burst of electricity goes through her back) She should be fine (They lay her on the red leather couch gently) Easy, guys
Winston- Now to save Slimer
Peter- (Grabbing four Santa hats from his locker and handing one to each of them and they look puzzled) C’mon, please?
Ray- (Giving in) Alright, we’ll wear them (They all put the hats on) I hope you’re happy
Winston- Where is King Emma? His dimension-thingy I mean. Keep in mind that I’m not a scientist
Egon- I’ve got an outrageous idea. We can cross the streams on our proton packs, which always act as a dimensional doorway if we jump in the deadly portal which opens up. We should be teleported there
Peter- We got it (Using his index finger to do gestures) We haven’t the faintest clue of where he is (Remembering about Ray’s knowledge about the occult and putting a hand on Ray’s shoulder) Ray, you’re a genius when it comes to the occult, can you help us out here?
Ray- (He gulps because he knows about King Emma and he fears him) Guys, there is something you outta know (Flashback to him reading about King Emma in “Paranormal Phenomena” as a teenager in the school library. Ray’s voiceover is speaking) King Emma is a legendary Japanese tyrant spirit. He is the ruler of Hell! (Fadeout of Flashback) Dangerous
Peter- Thought Hades ruled Hell
Egon- Actually, it “was” Satan
Ray- In Japanese lore, he really is the ruler of Hell

(In Hell. Slimer was trapped in a cage; molten-hot flames surrounded the bars. He was starting to panic and his sweat, which was as green as he was, dripped down his slimy face due to the heat from the flames. A blue specter with black beady eyes floated towards Slimer’s cage. His name was Shrup. He was a British guard when he was alive)

Shrup- Ah! So you are King Emma’s latest victim. You’re a good choice
Slimer- I wanna go home!
Shrup- Sorry, but no. My name’s Shrup by the way
Slimer- I’m Slimer. Petey and the others will rescue me
Shrup- (Trying to make Slimer hate his friends by telling him lies) Don’t think so, they’re ignoring you right now
Slimer- They wouldn’t do that to me
Shrup- Get over it. You’ll be here for centuries and when we let you out, your friends will be long dead
Slimer- (Crying loudly) No!!
Shrup- You don’t deserve them, Slimer
Slimer- Wrong, Shrup!

(Back in the Firehouse, the boys were getting their ghostbusting gear ready to save Slimer. Janine was on the couch and she wakes up moaning because her very sore back. The boys don’t hear here because they were getting ready to rescue their pet ghost)

Janine- (Shouting) Boys? Where is everyone? (She painfully gets up and leans
against the couch. She feels a sudden burst of pain shooting up in her back) Ouch!
Peter- (He heard her. He then shouted to the boys) Lazy-bones is up!
Ray- (Slaps Peter on the side of the head) Feeling better, Janine?
Janine- A little (The boys come towards the couch and sit down) What happened?
Winston- Someone or something pushed your filing cabinet on top of you
Peter- (Changing the subject) Almost Christmas (He smiled, just waiting for someone to smack him) Good thing we have everything set up for my favorite holiday
Egon- (He hugged Janine tightly) I’m so glad you’re okay, Janine (He got up and picked her up in his huge, muscular arms and laid her gently on the couch, after the boys got up) Janine, get some sleep. Your back was broken and we fixed it. We’ll be back. I love you
Janine- (He kissed her on top of the head and headed towards the car) Love you too. Where are you boys going anyway?
Ray- To get Spud back from Hell. We’re heading to the Central Park to enter Hell
(The siren of the 1959 Cadillac Ambulance Miller Meteor blared loudly through the streets of New York City. The boys in gray were talking in the car. Ray was driving, as usual, because he fixed the car up and turned it into the Ecto-1 that we all know and love. Egon was riding shotgun while Peter and Winston sat in the back)

Ray- I hope Slimer’s okay
Peter- (Joking around as usual) Egon (Putting a hand on Egon’s right shoulder) Do we have to get that green menace back?
Egon- (Being serious as always) Yes, we have to (Seeing Ray’s sad eyes) For Ray
Peter- (Asking the most annoying road question on the planet) Are we there yet?
Winston- Shut up, Pete
Egon- (The car stops in front of the Central Park sign. They all got out and admired it) To answer your question, Venkman, we’re here. The real question is where we should enter Hell
Peter- Easy! Just aim down and shoot
Ray- For once, Venkie, you have a point
Winston- (Surprised) How so?
Egon- Hell is underneath the Earth so it would only make sense to shoot downwards into the ground
Peter- (Concerned) Any safety issues?
Egon- Other than the usual possibility that we might die, no safety issues (They go get their proton packs, put them on their backs, and stand side-by-side together) Ready?
Ray- Yep. Winston, please switch me on
Winston- Sure (They all switch each other on, pull their neutrino wands, and get ready to fire) Good luck to us all
Egon- Fire!

(They fire their neutrino wands at the ground, which creates a thin stream of red light. Dirt and grass fly from the ground onto the boys’ faces due to the pressure of the neutrino wands. Their lives flash right before their eyes. A minute later, they had been transported to Hell. There was fire all around them and around their feet. They were in total aw. Little red devils flew all around the boys)

Winston- Man, this is a Ghostbuster’s paradise
Ray- Wow, this really is Hell
Winston- No kidding. Certainly beats anything I’ve read in the bible ‘bout this place
Peter- Perfect place for Slimer
Ray- (Smacks Peter on the right side of his head) Shut up!
Demon 1- (He flew to them. He was a small, red creature with bright blue eyes) What do you seek?
Egon- King Emma and Slimer
Demon 1- (Snaps his fingers and the encaged Slimer appears) Here is the one you call Slimer
Ray- (The demon flies away) How do we get him out of that cage? The cage is made of flames
Peter- Slimer, can you slime your way out?
Slimer- (Squeezes in the bars) I’ll try

(Looking down upon them from a viewing room, the powerful King Emma and his minion, Shrup, were watching as Slimer freed himself from the cage. King Emma was a gigantic spirit, around 8’2 and was well built with muscle. He also had a jet black beard and mustache that looked like Dr. Quest’s from Johnny Quest. King Emma’s light red robe was very regal and made him exceptionally powerful over Hell)

Shrup- King Emma, we have trouble. Four powerful humans are here in your territory, Sire. What should we do?
King Emma- I shall handle them “personally”
Shrup- (He gulps in fear) Yes, Sire
King Emma- Minion, fetch me my trident
Shrup- Yes, sir. If you don’t mind me asking, Sire, what are you planning on doing to the humans?
King Emma- (Laughing manically) Kill them, of course, and their little green friend too
Shrup- Brilliant, Sire

(Back where the Ghostbusters were, Slimer floated towards Peter and kissed him on the cheek. Peter thought it was gross for his face to be covered in green slime. Ray, however, loved it when he got slimed by his favorite ghost)

Peter- Ray, when we get home, promise me you’ll shower
Ray- I will and I recommend it to you too. So glad to have you back, Spud
Slimer- (Concerned about his favorite lady) How’s Janine?
Egon- She’s fine
Slimer- Good
Winston- Now, we need to speak to Emma
Ray- Yep, and I really hope he doesn’t try and get a hold of Slimer again

(All of a sudden, black smoke filled the room and when it cleared, the Ghostbusters came face-to-face with the regal king. They were amazed at his height. He was holding his trident in his right hand and looked very mean)

Slimer- (Hiding behind Ray and hugged Ray’s right leg) I’m scared
Ray- Me too, Spud
King Emma- Who dares enter my realm?
Peter- We do! You, my friend, are a tape measure’s worst nightmare (Getting down on his hands and knees and begging) Please don’t kill us!
Egon- (Embarrassed as hell. He helped Peter up) Don’t provoke him, Peter
Winston- (Trying to make peace with the king) We mean you no harm
Peter- Your majesty, if I were you, I’d attempt pro-wrestling because you look like you could bench-press an elephant, not to mention the face that since you’re so tall, you could step on your opponents
Slimer- Leave us alone, you big meanie
Ray- Shut up, Pete! Do you want us all to be killed?
King Emma- (Realizing Peter’s suggestions) You are very wise, human. Will you become one of my minions so we can accomplish these goals?
Peter- No way, big guy. I don’t want you to kill me
King Emma- (He was fed up) Fine!

(He took his trident and pointed it at the boys and smiled devilishly. The boy noticed that they were starting to get shorter and their clothes shrunk with them. They went from being 6’2 muscular men to being 2’9 muscular men. Their voices got squeakier too)

Winston- (He was ticked off at Peter) Peter, if you open your big mouth again, I’ll hurt you
Peter- Sorry, I wasn’t expecting him to actually take my advice
Egon- Next time, think before you speak, Venkman!
King Emma- (Scoops the boys into his left hand and put them to his face) You are mine!
Peter- (Begging for his life) Please don’t eat us!
Ray- We have one chance. Slimer!
Slimer- (He flies up to them) Hi, Ray!
Ray- Hi. Listen (He whispers to Slimer) Go slime him
Slimer- Righty-o, Ray
Ray- (Waiting) Ok, now!

(Slimer floated behind the king. The king looked all around and Slimer stayed behind the king’s head. He put his slimy-green hands on the king’s face and hugged him. Peter just started laughing. The king was blinded because of the slime in his eyes. His trident dropped to the ground and Slimer floated back to the boys)

Egon- Good boy, Slimer (Patting Slimer’s gigantic head) Thanks
Winston- Slimer, I got a job for you
Slimer- Yeah?
Winston- (Whispering to him) Go get the trident and shoot it at us to make us normal sized
Slimer- You got it, Winston
Ray- (Slimer did as he was told and the boys regained their size) Thanks, Slimer
Slimer- No prob, Buddy
Peter- Spengs, please let me use the trident on Slimer
Egon- (Suspicious) Why?
Peter- So he’ll never slime me again
Egon- Forget it, Pete!
Ray- (They pulled their neutrino wands from their proton packs) This guy’s time is up
Winston- Fire!

(They fired them at the king and the king got destroyed. There was a loud explosion. The boys then aimed their wands up and fired and crossed the streams. There was a loud explosion due to the crossing of the streams. The boy and Slimer walked and floated through the area that had exploded, and got back to their own world. A minute later, they were in the same place where they had entered Hell, Central Park)

Ray- (Wiping his forehead) We did it!
Egon- Guys, on the way home, would you mind if we stop at the nearest record store (They all get into the car) So I can get Janine a CD for Christmas?
Ray- Sure (They head to “Dilton’s Music Workz” so Egon could get her a Christmas present) Which CD?
Egon- The new B-52’s CD (Smiling sweetly) Plus, something very special
Winston- Ray, it’s up ahead
Peter- He sees it
Egon- (They walk into the store and the first item that Egon sees is the CD. He pays for it) Got it
Slimer- Cool

(An hour later, Ecto-1 pulled into the firehouse. When they got out of the beautiful car, Egon hid the B-52s CD in his pocket so Janine wouldn’t see it. Janine came downstairs in her blue tank top and matching pajama pants, that she wore to bed and because it was almost 10:00pm. She hugged the boys tightly in a group hug. Slimer wrapped his arms around her neck, sliming it. They let go of Janine and they all sat down on the couch together)

Janine- Egon! I’m so glad you guys are ok
Ray- (Janine yawned pretty loudly) Tired? (She nodded) How’s your back?
Janine- It’s much better, Ray. Thank you for asking. I’m heading to bed. Good night, guys
Peter- Night, Red, Merry Christmas
Egon- (Hugged her) Good night, Honey, I love you
Janine- Night. Love you, too (They kissed) Night, all
Ghostbusters and Slimer- Night
Winston- (Janine went to her bedroom and went to bed) What should we do?
Peter- (Grabbing the remote from the coffee table in front of the couch) Wrestling?
Egon- Too violent. National Geographic?
Peter- Boring. American Idol?
Egon, Winston, Ray, and Slimer- (Cracking their knuckles) Hell no!

(They ended up watching “Lost” during the night. Around midnight, Egon had Janine’s present wrapped and under the tree. The Ghostbusters then headed to bed)

Ray- C’mon, Slimer
Slimer- Okay (Following Ray up the stairs) Ray, what’s Christmas?
Ray- (They went into his room) Spud, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of a man named Jesus Christ (Ray went and got into his pajamas in the closet) He was a man who lived thousands of years ago
Slimer- Cool
Ray- (He came out of the closet and then he and Slimer went into Ray’s bed) You also get presents from a big guy named Santa Clause
Slimer- (He was happy to hear that) Yay!
Ray- Go to sleep because Santa’s coming. Night, Slimer
Slimer- (Ray used him as a soft pillow) Night, Ray

(The next morning was Christmas Day. It was 9:00am when everyone came downstairs to the living room area. They all sat down near the beautiful tree and opened their presents. Peter got many different DVDs from everyone, Ray got Baseball cards and other things, Winston got many different kinds of things, Egon got scientific equipment that the guys found in the Sharper Image catalog, Janine got makeup and perfume and CDs from the guys and her B-52s CD from Egon, and Slimer got toys and stuffed animals)

Janine- (Passing her present to Egon) Here, Honey, Merry Christmas
Egon- (She handed him the wonderfully wrapped telescope. He opens it and smiles) Thanks, Janine (He kissed her) I love it. Here (He takes out a small black velvet ring box and opens it for her) Merry Christmas, Janine
Janine- (She was shocked as hell and she cries a little and hugs him. He slipped the 15 karat pink Harry Winston diamond ring on her ring finger) Oh, Egon!
Egon- Will you marry me, Janine Melnitz?
Janine- Yes! Yes! (She hugged and kissed him) Of course!
Ray- (The boys and Slimer applaud with happiness) Congratulations!
Winston- ‘Bout time
Peter- (He came in the room. He missed Egon’s proposal to Janine because he was in the bathroom) What happened?
Winston- Egon and Janine are getting married
Peter- Congrats (He looks sad) Darn you, Spengs! I love her!
Janine- Sorry, Dr. V! I love him, not you. I love you like an older brother, but never like you wish
Slimer- Congrats!
Egon- Thanks, Slimer
The Ghostbusters, Slimer, and Janine- (They were all standing around the Christmas tree, holding hands, and singing “We wish you a merry Christmas”)
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy new year!

The End