My First EGB Fan Film

by FanofEGB

13 years, 11 months ago

The first two scenes of part one of a fan film me and BigC worked on……a little side note before I move on with the posting of two to three scenes a day…….lots of Kylie and Garrett love in this…….so to those that think Eduardo and Kylie make a better couple……refer to the episode “Till Death Do Us Start”, and to the ones who don't think Kylie and Garrett make a good couple, please watch the episode “In Your Dreams”………so no hard feelings…..all right?

“Extreme Ghostbusters- Summertime Scare”

Scene 1: An old abandoned schoolhouse in north Brooklyn. A small sliver of sunlight is the only light in there.

Kylie: Garrett!

Roland: (inaudible shouting) What’s going on down there? Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!

*Proton fire is heard from below as Garrett approaches Kylie, offers her his hand and helps her to her feet*

Garrett: Kylie, are you all right?

Kylie: I’m okay, now come on!!!!!!!!!

*she runs down the stairs, and through the door, Garrett following close behind her. They’re standing on a high platform with doors at either side, where they find Roland and Eduardo holding the creature in their proton streams*

Roland: Kylie, throw the trap!

*Kylie takes a ghost trap from her back and throws it underneath where Eduardo and Roland are holding the ghost in midair. Kylie has a set of controls joined to the trap by a wire. As the ghost enters the open trap, she closes it, and Roland and Eduardo shut off their proton streams. Garrett approaches the trap and picks it up. A door opens and a middle-aged woman approaches them*

Roland: We did it, Miss Jones.

Eduardo: Yeah, this ghost is busted……finally, the last bust before summer vacation…….

*opening credits with the Ecto-1 speeding off to the firehouse*
Music: “We‘re Back” by Bobby Brown

Scene 2: Back at the firehouse. Ray and Egon are talking as the others pack for their summer vacation.

Egon: So, Ray, you think sending them to your beach house in Florida is a good idea?

Ray: It is a good idea, Egon. It’ll get them out of the firehouse, and they do need a vacation from ghostbusting.

Egon: You’re sure they’ll go for this?

Ray: Sure, I’m sure…..

Music coming from the firehouse lounge: “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas

Kylie, Eduardo, Garrett, and Roland: VACATION TIME AT LAST!!!!!!!

Garrett: Finally, school’s out for the summer……I’m so psyched……

Eduardo: Easy for you to say, Wheels…….you didn’t do as much work as me…….

Garrett: Hey! Watch it, meathead!

Ray: Hey, guys! I have some exciting news!

Egon: You guys are spending the whole summer in Ray’s beach house in Florida…….

Garrett: Nice!

Roland: Awesome!

Eduardo: Oh, wow……girls galore……Florida’s a great place for a beach house……

Kylie: Ooooooh, I love Florida! The beaches are so pretty there…..

Roland: Yeah, pretty epic…..

Garrett: Think of all the swimming I can do there……

Eduardo: Think of all the falling you did in the pool here in Manhattan…..

Garrett: Oh, shut up, Slacker Jack. All you ever did by the pool was look at girls…….

Eduardo: Why don’t you shut up, Wheels?

Garrett: DON’T CALL ME THAT! *He makes a fist at him*

Kylie: *is packing 3 months’ worth of summer clothes, and Spengler books* Guys, stop fighting like this, it’s summertime, and we need this vacation.

Eduardo: He started it!

Kylie: I don’t care who started it, now stop it! *she turns around and finishes packing*

Eduardo: Whatever, Ky. You’re the one who needs this vacation. A whole school year studying the paranormal, and now look, we’re done with school. And you still have to read those books. *he shakes his head*

Kylie: Shut it, Eddy…….I must study up on the paranormal year-round, or it doesn’t seem right……

Eduardo: Whatever you say, Kylie……*is staring at a stack of unpacked spirit guides* These need to be thrown out……

Kylie: No, they don’t, Eduardo…..I like this stuff by Spengler……*she takes a book from him* And besides, if I read this……I won’t scream, you know why?

Eduardo: Why?

Kylie: I’m not a screamer.

Eduardo: You mean like in that building, when we were fighting that ghost, and you were covered head to toe in maggots?

Kylie: Oh, shut up, Eduardo…….

Garrett: Smooth move, Eduardo. Open mouth, insert foot……

Roland: *is carrying luggage to the Ecto-1*
Come on, guys, let’s go!

The EGB’s, Egon, and Ray leave and they shut the door behind them.
Montage: Scenes of the EGB’s leaving the firehouse. Spengler showing Kylie some new spirit guides, Ray ordering lunch on the road, and Garrett and the others sleeping along the way.
Music: “Summer Of Love” by The Baha Men

More to come!!!!!!!

by FanofEGB

13 years, 11 months ago

Here's more from part 1 of my fan film…….

Scene 3: Arrival at Ray’s beach house in Florida. Kylie, Garrett, Roland, Eduardo, Ray, and Egon disembark the Ecto-1.

Kylie: We made it.

Eduardo: You call this a summer home? It looks more like a summer dump…..

Roland: It’s a nice place, Dr. Stantz. Good location, and it’s really close to the beach.

Ray: I know…’s a great place……and the beach here is beautiful this time of day…..

Egon: You guys deserve to be here…’re lucky……we have to head back to New York after we leave you guys……

Garrett: I so can’t wait to hit the beach!

Eduardo: I can’t wait to see how many times you fall into the water, Wheels……

Garrett: Shut up, Slacker Jack……

Kylie: Guys, stop fighting. Roland wants us to unpack our things……then we can hit the beach.

*Egon and Ray are gone at this point*

Garrett: (glaring at Eduardo)
Okay, Ky. Let’s go unpack and then we can go swim without Slacker Jack here.

Eduardo: I understand, Kylie. You’re still dating Wheels here. Ever since you broke up with me, you’ve been with him all the time…….

Garrett: Kylie’s better off with me, so back off, or you’ll be very sorry you messed with us.

Kylie: Yeah, Eduardo! Let’s go, Garrett, sweetie…..

*Kylie and Garrett disappear into the house with pieces of luggage*

Scene 4: Inside the beach house. Roland and the others are unpacking their things in the bedroom. Kylie starts scanning the room with a PKE meter.

Roland: Kylie, why do you have that with you?
We’re on vacation, remember?

Kylie: I know, Roland, but I have a feeling this house is infested with ghosts.

Eduardo: Look who has to study up on ghosties during summer break…….

Kylie: Eduardo, shut up……*doesn’t get a PKE reading and she puts the PKE meter away*

Garrett: (puts his arms around Kylie’s torso)
Kylie, if this house is haunted, there might be strange noises in the night……I don’t want to lose you……

Kylie: (gets free from his grip)
Garrett, I know there are ghosts in here, but I haven’t gotten a strong PKE reading yet.

Garrett: *grabs Kylie and puts his arms around her torso again* Come on, Ky. There aren’t any ghosts here……we’re in Dr. Stantz’s beach house, and I know there aren’t ghosts here.

Kylie: (she gets free from his grip again)
Get your hands off me, Garrett……

Garrett: (lets go of Kylie)
Okay, Ky.

*Garrett kisses her on the cheek*

Eduardo: Garrett loves Kylie! Garrett loves Kylie!

Garrett: Hey, watch it, dude. I bet you haven’t had any girlfriends……

Eduardo: Oh, shut up, Garrett……*takes out an iPod and listens to his rock music*

Roland: *finishes making the beds*
Kylie MAY be right about the ghosts, but they don’t inhabit this house.

Kylie: I know I’m right…..

Garrett: Hey, can we hit the beach yet? I want to go swim now……

Eduardo: Wheels can’t swim…..he needs floaties and a swim ring……and a life jacket……

Garrett: Oh, shut up, Eduardo……

*they hit the beach*

Scene 5: They stay at the beach until sunset. Kylie is in the water with Garrett, but Garrett grabs her close to the deck and kisses her. Eduardo works on his tan, and Roland plays beach volleyball.
Music: “Summer Girls” by LFO
Scene 6: They walk back to the house from the beach. Kylie and Garrett are the first ones back. Eduardo and Roland are getting dinner at a nearby KFC.

Garrett: (takes off his wet swimsuit)

Ky, when are we gonna eat dinner? My stomach’s growling like a dog without his bone…..

Kylie: (is already in her casual clothes)
Garrett, I told you Roland and Eduardo are getting dinner at KFC. You love fried chicken, right?

Garrett: Of course I do……*he raids the fridge for a before-dinner snack*

Kylie: Okay, then……*she sets 4 places at the dinner table*

Garrett: (is eating a cup of cherry yogurt):
Do you love me, Kylie?

Kylie: Garrett, I love you more than anything…..

Garrett: I love you, too, Ky. *he kisses her*

Kylie: The guys are gonna be home soon, so put the yogurt down or get rid of it, Garrett……

Garrett: Okay, Ky. *he throws away the half-eaten yogurt and washes up for dinner*
Scene 7: Eduardo and Roland come in carrying buckets of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, rice, and biscuits. They’re all sitting around the table, helping themselves to some food and eating.
Roland: Dig in, gang!

Garrett: You said the magic words, Roland….. *he grabs a chicken leg, and goes for some mashed potatoes*

Eduardo: Garrett LOVES Kylie……

Garrett: (with a mouth full of chicken)
Shut up, Slacker Jack…..

Roland: So, guys, what about those ghosts?

Kylie: (is getting a spoonful of rice)
I know there are ghosts, Roland, but I believe they aren’t in this house. I believe there are ghosts around Florida.

Eduardo: Kylie, stop with all this talk of ghosts…….we’re here on vacation, not ghost patrol….

Kylie: Sorry……*she continues to eat*

Garrett: (takes his plate to the sink)
I’m finished, and I need to take a bath. Ky, you coming up after dinner? I need your help tonight…..

Kylie: I have kitchen duty tonight, so I’ll be up by the time you’re done taking your bath.

Garrett: Okay, Ky. *kisses her* see you upstairs…..

*Garrett washes his plate, goes to the bedroom to get some pajamas, and goes into the bathroom to take a bath, and Kylie continues to eat her dinner*

More to come, more scenes…..more fun!

by BigC

13 years, 11 months ago

I love it.

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 11 months ago

your timeline is all over the place, they're still in school (1997) yet Eddie has an iPod (not released until 2001), and they listen to more current music (Summer of Love in 2000 and I got a Feeling in 2009)

And I'm sorry, but the characters don't come off as the characters you're portraying.

Sure they say things like ‘CrackerJack’ and ‘Wheels’ in reference to each other, but how you write them out it just doesn't sound right. They don't sound like the EGBs.

Kylie least of all.

Just a couple things I noticed.

And it's a FanFIC, not a FanFilm, FanFilms usually involve cameras.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 11 months ago

your timeline is all over the place, they're still in school (1997) yet Eddie has an iPod (not released until 2001), and they listen to more current music (Summer of Love in 2000 and I got a Feeling in 2009)

And I'm sorry, but the characters don't come off as the characters you're portraying.

Sure they say things like ‘CrackerJack’ and ‘Wheels’ in reference to each other, but how you write them out it just doesn't sound right. They don't sound like the EGBs.

Kylie least of all.

Just a couple things I noticed.

And it's a FanFIC, not a FanFilm, FanFilms usually involve cameras.

Pretty much agree with everything Jay said here… especially the last part. This isn't a fan film.

by Nix

13 years, 11 months ago

your timeline is all over the place, they're still in school (1997) yet Eddie has an iPod (not released until 2001), and they listen to more current music (Summer of Love in 2000 and I got a Feeling in 2009)

True, but he could use that. Something's disrupting the timeline, bringing with it small-scale anachronisms that add up to something worse?

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 11 months ago

True, but he could use that. Something's disrupting the timeline, bringing with it small-scale anachronisms that add up to something worse?

…I think that's pushing it