My first GB fanart! Woooo!

by Addiemonster

17 years, 5 months ago

Planning to scale it down and make it my avatar after I upload it to my DA account. It's a cartoony self-portrait of myself as, you guessed it, a Ghostbuster. Hoo-ha!

Far from finished, of course, but it will be full color when I'm done with it. Shouldn't take more than a day at best. I was just excited about it and wanted to share the process with you all. (*janine)

It looks dodgey because I had to zoom out to 60-some odd percent to fit the whole thing in one screen shot. I scan my images pretty large, so I can fix all the little details easier. I'll fix the proton pack as I go. I usually make a rough sketch, scan it, then fill in the details as I go in Photoshop.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 5 months ago

that looks awesome!

keep up the good work!


by Addiemonster

17 years, 5 months ago

Thanks! I've taken a short hiatus from my art, but now that my hours are thinning out at work, I've got more time to work at it.

by sinister1

17 years, 5 months ago

Very nice. I'm assuming that's you as a Ghostbuster. Are you going to add colour?

by Addiemonster

17 years, 5 months ago

Very nice. I'm assuming that's you as a Ghostbuster. Are you going to add colour?
It's a cartoony self-portrait of myself as, you guessed it, a Ghostbuster. Hoo-ha!

Far from finished, of course, but it will be full color when I'm done with it.
I had to giggle. Thanks for the feedback, though!

by misfit1

17 years, 5 months ago

That's Iains thing with the ladies, he just repeats what they just said in a different way, never fails.

Welcome to the slippery slope of ghostbusters Fan-art, it'll start off with just a few sketches, and the next thing you know you're running one of the communitys most popular web-comics? who am I kidding? we've only got two that update regularly!

While i'm not a fan of “teh Animez”. It's looking pretty slick, the only thing that really caught my eye as being off was the fact that your Breasticals seem a little…saggy. (*ray)

by Addiemonster

17 years, 5 months ago

Haha, yeah. That's what happens when your desk is perfectly flat and your chair is very low even at its highest adjustment. Things come out a little… skewed. It's definitely something I plan to fix as I go. Another thing to point out is that my name tag will be adjusted, and probably completely redrawn, as I'd like it to be visible and not overtaken by the proton pack strap.

Thanks for the warm welcome! I promise I'm not here to convert something as awesome as the Ghostbusters into over-polished, mostly computer-generated anime hack-job. Yup, anime. That's japanese for “animation”. I know japanese. I've been to japan. I AM JAPANESE.

… ok, that's a web of lies. But I've seen Karate Kid like, nine times! I promise I'm not one of those OMG JAPAN IS SO AWESOME anime freaks. I just like the art style, is all. And the cars. The cars are awesome.

Oh, and I was reading through your comic earlier, it's pretty neat! You can see how your style and skill level improves as you read it!

by sinister1

17 years, 5 months ago


Yes, well…

There's a perfectly good reason why I didn't see that writing…

I'm just not sure what it is…

*hangs head*

by Kingpin

17 years, 5 months ago

Always good to see another artist join the community, Addie. I look forward to seeing your finished piece.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 5 months ago

UPDATE! You can lay your fears to rest, Rich. I HAVE REPAIRED (sort of) MY BOOBIES. Also got some work done on the new name tag. FWA-PANG!