Takes place about three years after Ghostbusters 3. The Ghostbusters business has been failing and the mayor starts to think that the Ghostbusters were the ones that brought all the ghosts to New York to begin with so they sign a law banning the proton pack. Unable to bust ghosts without their equipement the GB are forced to sell the firehouse. When they are leaving the firehouse for the last time and dismantling the containment unit however there is an electrical storm and the guys, all their traps, and one proton pack, get caught inside the unit and are unable to get out! On the otherside they have to fight all the ghosts they've busted in their time. There are cameos by Staypuff, Slimer, and even some ghosts from the cartoon, however most were never seen before. Eventually Ray realizes that their is a failsafe if they can just locate it in the unit. While the guys are inside however hell has come back to new york. The spirits of Hell are crossing over into NYC. Eventually the ghostsbusters break out of the containment unit but are without any equipment. The Ecto I is gone, the pack are gone, the traps are gone and they have no money for more. In the end though they save the day because Peter is able to convicne a female cop to let them get their gear back and they save the day of course. What do you think?