Hey all-
A while ago I got bored and just decided to spruce up on some drawing, which unforunantly I dont do as much as
I'd like to any more. The product of which was a comic interpretation of the elevator scene from the first film, just drawn and inked which can be scene on my deviantart. All drawn from memory, so do excuse any crazy inacuracies.http://raystantz.deviantart.com/art/Ghostbusters-Elevator-Inked-119142467
A little while ago I was propositioned to work on a fan comic I want talk a lot about right now, as I dont know what
will even come of it, but I took the same page and just tried to color, and letter it, as I dont do these things much and
wanted to recap…the result wasn't half bad in my opinion, wanted to see what you all thought?
Note: It doesn't appear HUGE on my screen, but I suspect it might on others. If this is taking up
mass amounts of space on anyones page, let me know and I'll try to re-size it again.