This amongst many reasons is why Castewar will always be a better moderator than I. 
Well, I'm not that stupid, who the f*ck on earth would tatoo the characters or a scene? Only the logo would have been enough!
Who'd get that? Someone who was dedicated to the idea or the fandom… and what's wrong with a scene when it's done this way? It's not like he'd have a 2.35:1 scaled rectangle of a whole scene on his back, although I bet the artist would love the dough something like that would bring in. He is neither stupid nor is the tattoo so lay off of the attitude, pal.
1) The tat might be cool when it will be finished and stuff, but how it's gonna be in 10 years? de-colored and wrinkled… Because your skin won't be that “good” forever.
How exactly is that your problem? Again it's neither your skin nor your dollar so I'm not sure why you seem to be getting so involved in it.
2) Money. Do I have to precise?
Some people spend their paychecks on eBay, some on video games, some on movies and some on replicating the props from
Ghostbusters and
Ghostbusters II. Again,
it's his money, he can do with it as he desires… excluding burning it or funding terrorism.
3) Risks of getting skin cancer with colours, because, yeah, tattoo's colours is highly dangerous for the skin.
Again, his body, his risks. If anything, it could be more likely he could get Aids or another infection from the needle but again, it's his body.
4) Won't you be ashamed to show that on the beach or wherever you'll have to show your arms? (You might don't give a f* about the other's though, I dont mind)
What on earth type of question is that? Are you resorting to inventing reasons for why you think he shouldn't get the tattoo? You're kinda late seeing as the main outlines have already been done.
You're not giving him reasonable feedback as you would've left it in your first post and then sat back… you've come back and constantly berated him for simply getting something done he'll enjoy. I believe the criticism says more about you.
I must admit, you're a pussy, whining about his poorly done ugly tatto (*egon)
And that's completely out of order, mister.