My GB Tattoo

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 3 months ago

One oh my MANY faults, I cuss to much when I am pissed. Did it make me look bad? Maybe to some, but in my opinion my point wasn't lost and even though I did talk down to him, tats are really personal and that is just talking crap and really needs a stern reply.

by ghostbomb18

17 years, 3 months ago

I got the no ghost logo about 8 years ago and at first I was unsure if i made the right decison, however once you have others compliment the work and discuss the movie with you when ever they see the tat it will be worth it. Its amazing how many people like the movie and look for any chance to talk about it even with stangers. Just make sure you don`t go overboard with the tat and you will enjoy it.

by yoyo

17 years, 3 months ago

I would like to see the finished project. I'm curious to see how it looks with color.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 3 months ago

Eveybody will, got to get 200 for color. Got a vacation next week etc, so that will come when it comes.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 2 months ago

Was going to hold off, but I got my coloring finally Saturday at 3pm so I will finally get this piece of art done. I guess then we can ensue another fight over a “waste of money” it is. heh I frankly don't want to listen to that crap, if people don't like it that is fine, just show me some respect and I think the mods won't tolerate certain individuals starting stuff up again.

by suvarna_rohit

17 years, 2 months ago

dude the tattoo is awesome… got me thinking abt gettin the logo done myself….lookin forward for the complete product!!!

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 2 months ago

Had a death in the family, been sick as a dog. Got some coloring done, but going to get more. When it is DONE, then I will post. suvarna_rohit, I hope you get what you want done man, I want to see what you get when you get it.

by suvarna_rohit

17 years, 2 months ago

really sorry to hear tht man!!!

by suvarna_rohit

17 years, 2 months ago

well here is sumthing tht am thinkin of gettin done on my arm…i jus photoshoped it to my arm….wanna c how it looks..pls lemme kno…i hav 2 images wid diff shades…help me pick which is lookin good…

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

Have you considered having Wolverine's claws going the other way so they'd be pointing upwards? It worked with the X3 promotion.