My GB Tattoo

by pantshater24

17 years, 5 months ago

that's it, looks like i'm gonna have to start the “get sandmanfvr's tattoo finished” fundraiser. that's right! for only a small donation of 1$ you will see this man's life long goal accomplished, and quicker then if he were to do it himself. please, do it for the children. :p

by andy_2_cool

17 years, 5 months ago

I would like to donate to this fund

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 5 months ago

*Welcome to the Sandmanfvr donation fund. Donations are just $1. Thank you for coming*

Legal: Transaction fee of $10 for each donation, non refundable.


by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 5 months ago

Crossing the Streams
hahaha :-)

im kiddddddinnggg addie

Mike when are you going to show us your gb tattoo? :p

you mean my GB tat AND my TMNT tat?


i got a spiderman one on the way too


once i get a camera i will do it

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 5 months ago

I will have my shading done this saturday and will post pics asap. I got the money, sold a laptop. Also going to get an Xbox 360 with the money.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 5 months ago

I will have my shading done this saturday and will post pics asap. I got the money, sold a laptop. Also going to get an Xbox 360 with the money.

awesome man

i have a 360, one of the best investments ive made


by moobyghost

17 years, 5 months ago

Crossing the Streams
I will have my shading done this saturday and will post pics asap. I got the money, sold a laptop. Also going to get an Xbox 360 with the money.

awesome man

i have a 360, one of the best investments ive made


Till you get the red ring of death.

The failure rate of the the 360 is 30%

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 5 months ago

Well now we are after the microsoft announcement of the replacement/redo of them. Plus the 360 now has a full 1 year warranty on them. I am not worried, it screws up I will take it back.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 5 months ago

Well got it done. It was 4 hours, on and off work. Two things, the shading is different on Rays, Egon's and Peters face because Al (the artist) is imagining light from the trap and the proton pack of Egon's lighting it all up. Neat idea I never thought of. The trap door has no detail, he and I didn't have the reference image and I was trying to show him, but we both decided to wait till color to have the reference image to get the yellow stripes correct. So here it is:

Now, save $200 for color and get the sucker completed!

by yoyo

17 years, 5 months ago

I must say, I really like the GB logo. I think that GB logo tattoo is the best one I've seen yet due to the shading and all. Makes the logo look like an actual logo over a ghost and not 1 complete picture. but instead 2. make sense? can't wait to see the final tattoo.