My GB Tattoo

by heslimedme251

17 years, 5 months ago

People are really gonna have to stop taking criticism so seriously. It's people's personal opinions…not everyone is tactful, not everyone is going to give constructive criticism…they're are some dicks out there. The best option is to take that kind of criticsm light heartedly. People need to stop getting pissy because someone said something critical. It happens, ignore it or use it to improve.

I personally think the tat looks good…but I know it's a WIP so not everything is perfect yet. Without the colouring some of the detail is lost, so yeah “egon has no lips” and such but if you like it…it doesn't really matter. You can't stop people from flaming you…take IMDB as a really good example of this, they flame you for anything. But, it would be a shame if you didn't show the final product…i mean it probably hurt like hell…i gotta see the final thing!


by sandmanfvr

17 years, 5 months ago

Good points. I was trying to bow out and such, but two times I get some picking and I just tired of it. You, fome, and Cross The Streams realize what “work in progress” means, but others don't. Should I have let it all slide? No, but maybe it got to me way to much. I do think many on this forum (Others agree with me on PM) that there are pricks on this site and just tear things down to cover up their short comings.

Eh, I am over it. If picking apart is what happens, fine. Kingpin can pick it apart, Yehome can, I don't care. I like it and I think when it is done, many will shut their mouths.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 5 months ago

ehhh forget them..

how many more sessions do you have with it?

by zack1

17 years, 5 months ago

I personally want to see what the end result is…(^_^) hopefully you'll post it! If not, send me a PM when you do get it. I'd love to see the finished product.


by Kingpin

17 years, 5 months ago

Kingpin, don't play with words and go around and kind of say I am chickening out or I am coward, I am not. Either come out and say it or not please. (*egon)

Fine, I was never a huge fan of diplomacy. You've already comitted yourself with the past two photo updates, you don't really have much to loose by posting the final result because then you'd have the final result.

With the final result shown, people may change their tunes or stay the same and whilst it might be a really nice final result people can still say they don't like it because it's a free forum.

Sure, there's unfair and uncalled for criticism but that shouldn't stop people from posting things. You've been willing to show the tattoo thus far, what's the worst that can happen by showing it when it's finished? Don't disappoint those who are interested in seeing it because there were people who criticised it.

That said, I thought:

I will not be posting the finished work

Spoke for itself, if you're not running then you should feel you need to say that.

Additionally, the significance to you is lost on everyone by the disassociation… it's not tattooed to their skin, it's not paid for with their money… if it were their tattoo I bet it'd be different. Although keep in mind we all view the films a little differently so something that might seem onkay to you might not to another person.

I can't really say anything more that heslimedme25 hasn't already said, partly because I'm drunk right now but more importantly because he has a solid post going there… that people will always have an opinion even if they're not always informed.

Besides, I haven't picked anything apart as my first post here was the one before this. :p

Now Yehome, will you at least wait for the finished result before saying he wasted his money? It's like viewing the Mona Lisa back when it was a sketch on the paneling.

by doctorvenkman1

17 years, 5 months ago

I'd just like to point out that I said several times that I was trying to point out some things that you might want to have fixed, or explain as to why they were chosen to be done the way they were. Trust me I understand work in progress and I understand the dedication of a tattoo. I have one myself. Because of this, I also understand wanting it to be done right, so I was trying to help by pointing out some things that you might want to have fixed or touched up before the final session.

But dude, in your big explanation you totally contradicted yourself. You say “if some people don't like it f*ck them” then in your next sentence say that what gets you is the nitpicking and the “he looks like Beavis, this isn't straight”. That's still just someone's opinion. And you're absolutely right. F*ck whoever doesn't like it! Just go by your own love of the tat man. That's truely all that matters.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 5 months ago

Doctor Venkman, you really didn't piss me off. You did point out things, but were respectful. It is idiots like Yehome that keep posting one liners, insulting me that I wasted money. F*ck him. I mean if you can't be respectful, go the f*ck away. Even if you don't like it, act like somebody. Yehome is one of thos punks that would talk shit to you on the street, laugh with his friends. *shrugs* Whatever to him.

I have one more session, the main coloring. Man, it will be awesome. White, red, yellow, orange, purple, blue, etc. to get all the colors. Then the skin tones to make it all pop.

I guess the shit that some talk to me, made me take all the respectful and constructive criticism to hard. To those like Doctor Venkman, etc. sorry if I came off to hard. Four f*cking hours in a chair, 5 total in the shop, alot of pain in certain areas, and f*ckers like Yehome pop off shit like that. Pissed me off to everybody. Yehome is a piss ant that probably has zero balls to get a tat, but can talk shit on the internet. :-)

I will ask Kingpin and other mods/admins this: When it is posted and complete, and Yehome and others insult, they are dealt with. No sense in bullshit like that. I don't mind if somebody doesn't like it, insulting me is for cowards.

by Yehome

17 years, 5 months ago

f*ckers like Yehome pop off shit like that. Pissed me off to everybody. Yehome is a piss ant that probably has zero balls to get a tat, but can talk shit on the internet. :-)

Well, I'm not that stupid, who the f*ck on earth would tatoo the characters or a scene? Only the logo would have been enough! I fact, I was damn' impressed about the logo, which is awesome but I must say that you're really stupid for some reasons.

1) The tat might be cool when it will be finished and stuff, but how it's gonna be in 10 years? de-colored and wrinkled… Because your skin won't be that “good” forever.

2) Money. Do I have to precise?

3) Risks of getting skin cancer with colours, because, yeah, tattoo's colours is highly dangerous for the skin.

4) Won't you be ashamed to show that on the beach or wherever you'll have to show your arms? (You might don't give a f* about the other's though, I dont mind)

So, I might have zero balls, but I'm still smart enough not to have a tattoo (*peter)

+ I must admit, you're a pussy, whining about his poorly done ugly tatto (*egon)

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 5 months ago

f*ckers like Yehome pop off shit like that. Pissed me off to everybody. Yehome is a piss ant that probably has zero balls to get a tat, but can talk shit on the internet. :-)

Well, I'm not that stupid, who the f*ck on earth would tatoo the characters or a scene? Only the logo would have been enough! I fact, I was damn' impressed about the logo, which is awesome but I must say that you're really stupid for some reasons.

1) The tat might be cool when it will be finished and stuff, but how it's gonna be in 10 years? de-colored and wrinkled… Because your skin won't be that “good” forever.

2) Money. Do I have to precise?

3) Risks of getting skin cancer with colours, because, yeah, tattoo's colours is highly dangerous for the skin.

4) Won't you be ashamed to show that on the beach or wherever you'll have to show your arms? (You might don't give a f* about the other's though, I dont mind)

So, I might have zero balls, but I'm still smart enough not to have a tattoo (*peter)

+ I must admit, you're a pussy, whining about his poorly done ugly tatto (*egon)

Oh how rich!! :-) :-) :-) You bad mouth me for doing stuff, and I AM THE PUSSY? Oh you sad little man. If you don't like it, GET OVER IT. Not your arm, not your life buddy. Like my tattoo artist would say: F*UCK YOU! (He does say that, funny as hell when he says it).

I won't be ashamed of it in years to come, my arm has not changed in forever and it won't that much. Yes fading will occur, why the detail so HIGH when you look at it so down the road it will still look good. Tattoo colors are mineral based you dip shit, that is why they fade. The body absorbs then over time. Touch ups will be needed. Cancer? You dumb shit. :-) :-) The colors are safe for your body. Cancer, HAH!

Oh this is SO funny. I got mad over you? You are dumb as shit, don't know what colors are made of, and go on about being ashamed of it. I am not a wuss like you and I am man enough to display my tats in public. If you and others don't like it, NOTHING you can do about it.

I got such a laugh from you Yehome, THANK YOU! :p

by fome

17 years, 5 months ago

not the only one sandmanfvr :-)