A few weeks back I mentioned that the Rocky Mountain News, the largest and most widely-distributed newspaper in Colorado, did a fun little article on us for their “What's Happening” page of their entertainment section.
Apparently one of the editors had seen our car and found our myspace page. He emailed me and asked me to write a little blurb about what we'd be doing during the weekend and the weekend after. I asked if it would be okay for us to bullshit a little and make an article that is fully of fictional techno-gibberish…. and he said that was what he actually wanted.
The first paragraph was written by the editor of the Rocky Mtn News, and is in my opinion pretty much the coolest set of words placed in a particular order about us and the car that there has been so far…
The bits after “What did you do last weekend” are mine…
Brief history of our paper news coverage—-
Halloween 2006 - full-color quarter-page article in the Neighbors section of the Fort Collins Coloradoan
December 2006 - full color half-page article on the cover of the Local section of Fort Collins Coloradoan
February 2007 - Coverstory and 5-page article in the Rocky Mountain Chronicle
April 2007 - quarter-page story in the entertainment section of the Rocky Mountain News
Thoughts? Reactions? Comments from the peanut gallery?