My GBIII poster, Come and rate it!

by Blue_Dragon

21 years, 5 months ago

What software does everyone use to make their posters??

by drvenkman3

21 years, 5 months ago

What software does everyone use to make their posters??

i just put something together real quick with Paint Shop Pro, custom version to fit my needs

by drvenkman3

21 years, 5 months ago

take a gander at mine
its pretty cool

Proto, its no better than mine, ya just put a picture of no ghost 3 on another picture, darkened the no ghost, added text and voila!

by protoK

21 years, 5 months ago

i never said it was any better,

by Blue_Dragon

21 years, 5 months ago

Sorry that it shows that I'm new, but does it matter???

I mean aren't you creating these posters for your own (and the board's) edification?? Or did I miss something where there's a contest? I *liked* ProtoK's poster, but without a script, clips, press quotes as to what is actually going to be in GBIII, they're all just W.A.G.'s

(see I've most likely tripped over my feet and shouted **I'M A NEWBIE** <g>)

ProtoK, what program did you use to get the effect? I work with Photoshop 7 (on PC) and have a bunch of plug-ins. Did you go that route, or did you manually the background, clipping out the ghost & universal no sign?

Just curious? <shrug>

Oh well, more posts to read…

by protoK

21 years, 5 months ago

well i foound the really cool supernova picture, did a quick noghost three. i darkened the logo then put a lens flare behind it

by yoyo

21 years, 5 months ago

i like proto k's his is neat