My Ghostbusters 3 movie idea.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 8 months ago

Hi all,

I think I have a great idea for a Ghostbusters 3 movie. I like the idea of sequels not following the same plot formula of previous ones, so instead of starting out from scratch with no work, run down vehicles and equipment, we have them continuing their ghostbusting business, it has not closed down. I have borrowed the notion from Dan Aykroyd’s script regarding Hell being overcrowded. And hopefully this idea hasn’t been done before, if not I aplogise it is a pure coincidence, I have been looking at previous ideas on the board for sometime and didn’t see any like mine.

So here’s my idea:
Since the aftermath of Vego in 1989, the paranormal world has slowly but steadily picked up over the years. As there is enough work for it, they become Ghostbusters Inc., a multi-national corporate company dealing with everything paranormal. The company eventually expands into other areas of the paranormal, such as investigations, possessions, exorcisms, ecto-plasm cleanups, etc.

Janine has been promoted to the head of the Admin Department, and she still tries to steal some calls from the other secretaries to put a smile on her face as she hits the bell. Louis is still the Ghostbusters Inc. accountant, who makes an appearance every now and then. Dana has eventually married Peter, and Oscar has grown up in the Ghostbusters environment since his ordeal in 1989, and become quite close to his second family.

After several years, they decide to stop running around and train a new generation of Ghostbusters to take the reigns from them, and they promote themselves to CEO's of Ghostbusters Inc. The new team of 6 Ghostbusters are more athletic, agile and have enough attitude and personality to carry on the Ghostbusters’ legacy. One of them naturally includes the ever-witty, and knowledgeable Oscar. Oscar has picked up the sarcastic wit from his Step-Dad Peter, street smarts and common sense from Winston, rationalé and the love of Ghostbusting from Ray and his science mind from Egon. He was the first choice and still considered the most perfect candidate of all, and all the others were compared to him. The perfect ‘Team Leader’.

They build their new premises, aptly named Ghostbusters Central, next to the existing firehouse which becomes their job despatch section. The new building towers over the original firehouse which is connected by numerous bridges and tunnel tubes seen connecting buildings together. Their large, neon no-ghost logo up the top beams into the night and a gold plaque next to the entrance into their office which reads: “Professional Paranormal, Investigations and Eliminations.”

The Ecto-1 has become somewhat run down, and not the best for multiple jobs and the new larger team, so new vehicles are developed for them. They decide on 3 as they can split the 6 members into 3 teams of 2. There is the Ecto-2 which is a helicopter vehicle which also fits conveniently into the back of the Ecto-1, perfect for pesky ghosts which continue to stay airborne around the city skyscrapers. The Ecto-3 is a souped up red sports car sporting the original no-ghost logo on the bonnet, suitable for urgent jobs and for ones that require some agility through peak-hour traffic and alleyways. One of the new male Ghostbusters is a rev-head so suits (and handles) the car perfectly (if not a bit aggressive), his female ghostbusting partner is not so keen on him having the keys. The Ecto-4 is a four-wheel drive for out-suburban jobs as not all jobs are city-based. The 4x4 takes on all types of terrain with ease. There is also the Ecto-5, a huge mack truck which tows a huge 18 wheel containment unit, for large jobs where there is a huge infestation of ghosts and not enough traps to hold them all.

As the times change, so does the technology, and the Ghostbusters science department (not under Egon's direct leadership, but does take part in the research and development) come up with newer and more powerful weapons and equipment in capturing ghosts.

Twenty odd years pass, and we find Egon has taken up teaching Paranormal and Spiritual science classes at the Ghostbusters Central University, or the GCU (gotta love that! ) which is inside Ghostbusters Central. Slimer has become a long time acquaintance and semi-friend of the original Ghostbusters, particularly warming up to Egon and is a willing participant in the classes and acts as an assistant and guinea pig to show classes how things react with ghosts and the spiritual plane.

Peter embarks on international ‘spook’ tours (I personally love this idea and can totally see him
doing this, as Dana did mention he's more like a gameshow host) taking people to the most scariest places in the world, and giving them brief (if not completely accurate) historical summaries as to what actually happened where they're standing.

Ray and Winston head their own department within Ghostbusters Central that deals with
hazardous waste, storage, and develop specialised laser equipment and weapons for the law enforcement industry. (This idea is still a bit ‘up in the air’, haven't quite worked out what I can get them to do.)

Unbeknownst to us, Hell has increasingly become quite crowded and overloaded these passed decades, which explains why they have become increasingly busier over the years. When Hell gets a sudden increase in population, a “crack” in the spiritual plane wall appears causing some spirits to get sucked into it through to our plane. They are starting to become worse and more frequent, creating large-scale chaos and uncertainty in the world, so everyone is now turning to Ghostbusters Inc. to get rid of them.

Ghostbusters Inc. decide to send out all teams of researchers and Ghostbusters across the world to study these strange phenomena. However after a while, they have all disappeared and not been seen since. Only several scientists remain… these include the original team of Ghostbusters. The remaining scientists are not equipped for the job of Ghostbusting, they are just scientists, however the original four, are BOTH scientists and Ghostbusters, the obvious advantage.

They decide to deal with this once and for all and don the new weapons and equipment. After soon realising these new weapons are no effect on the portals and are making them increasingly bigger and more unstable, something the new team of Ghostbusters did not notice on their assignments over the years, however they would have if they were trained scientists. They decide to retrieve their original, if not overwhelmingly under-powered and rundown proton packs from the Ghostbusters Memorabilia section in Ghostbusters Central, jump-start the Ecto-1 and embark on saving the world once again.

This is just from the top of my head, if you want I can go further and finish it off, just wondered what everyone thought so far? I will elaborate when I write a script treatment of it, but for now this is a brief bare-bones summary of my idea. I love the idea of old versus new, where the old Ghostbusters with their old equipment are the world’s only hope.

Your thoughts?

by Kingpin

19 years, 8 months ago

As something from off the top of your head, it's bloody impressive.

like the idea of sequels not following the same plot formula of previous ones, so instead of starting out from scratch with no work, run down vehicles and equipment, we have them continuing their ghostbusting business, it has not closed down.

Right on the money there, GBII tried to hard are repeating the successful formula of the original movie, and in that way I feel it suffered.

You've obviously put a lot of thought into it, and also borrow a lot of stuff from RGB.

I like it, I say keep going with it, and hopefully you'll write a script for it which we can read. Great job.

by mitchelld00d

19 years, 8 months ago

thats just about the best gb3 idea ive ever heard. its fresh, original, and it works. good job

by matthew1

19 years, 8 months ago

Nice work Fusion. It's hard coming up with a fresh approach for a third Ghostbusters movie and you seem to be going in the right direction with the ideas that you have. It sounds both original and fun which is exactly what is needed.

I'd love to read a full script if possible.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 8 months ago

Not keen with Oscar being like a mix of the characters. It's a bit…neat. No one like that would ever exist. I can understand if he took after Peter a bit…but could anyone be able to have the intellect of Egon, yet be able to step back and see everything from a normal layman's perspective?

The vehicles; it started off quite nicely. Ecto-1 being a little old and past it; more suited to being a museum piece rather than a piece of Ghostbusting equpiment, it was a rather good idea. But Ecto-2, a helipcopter that can fit into the back of Ecto-1? What, is it the size of a tricycle? Honestly, you need to be able to fit packs and traps into the back of Ecto-1, and that's not taking into account the fact that there's a load of other stuff back there. I know they had the Ecto-2/Ectocopter in RGB, I always thought it was a slightly badly thought out concept in RGB. Ecto-3…hmm. 21st century ideals put onto Ghostbusters… Ecto-4…it's a fair idea. Ecto-5, it's been suggested before as an idea (I seem to remember it being referred to as the Ecto-500, a converted firetruck…), and I've liked it.

As for the plot, I've never been too keen on the whole “Go To Hell” storyline. It would require Hell to be somewhere with limits upon itself, which it really isn't. Cracks in astral plains, fine.

Anyway, don't want to seem to be pooping on what is, in all, a very good idea. I was just offering my views.

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 8 months ago

Wow….man you're good!!!! I could never think up something like that off the top of my head!! That was pretty good!! Maybe somethings were a little far-fetched but other than that it was awesome!!! Keep up the good work!! :p

by fusi0n1

19 years, 8 months ago

As something from off the top of your head, it's bloody impressive.
Wow, thanks Kingpin, I was looking forward to your reply and thoughts on it. Glad I got your nod on it, I feel more confident with my rough.

Matthew & MG cheers, and thanks for your input.

Not keen with Oscar being like a mix of the characters…
I see your point, does anyone else feel this way? I wanted Oscar to be special, I dunno, maybe we just finally have the Ultimate Ghostbuster from the new generation. Or maybe the slight possession from Vego altered him somewhat. There's some possibility that someone with similar attributes from the 4 can exist. I'm not saying he is EXACTLY like Egon in regards to his mind, but couldn't he be quite a bit more knowledgeable than Peter? He could have Ray's excitement for Ghostbusting and just have Winston's instincts? He couldn't be a ‘fuse’ of all 4 characters, but just adopt several of their characteristics? For instance I am quite computer literate, but then again I can change my outlook and put myself in my mum or dad's shoes when I'm explaining things to them, sorta like with Egon's know-how, but with Winstons layman's terms. (Which I love his terms he lays down in the movies, in both GB1 + 2 when talking to the mayor, converting the science mumbo jumbo to english) Do you get what I mean?
I can see it, I'm pretty sure others could too.

The vehicles…
Yes, definitley agree regarding Ecto-2, I was typing whilst trying to think of the next vehicle, and I just used the image I got from RGB, you are correct it couldn't possibly fit, it would just be a standalone vehicle. The Sports car and 4x4, are still working ideas but looks as though, you liked them. I really think GB3 needs to be done in present day, it worked with the original 2. The Ecto-5 I had read somewhere about a large vehicle, not sure if it was a converted firetruck like you said, or a large truck, but full credit who came up with the idea, I just liked it.

I've never been too keen on the whole “Go To Hell” storyline
I too, was a bit iffy about the Hell idea, but I do like the spin on an alternate universe aspect. I've also read somewhere regarding Hades and the Underworld being part of the storyline, I wouldn't mind that take on things. It could just be the overcrowding of the that. Was that maybe in another of Dan's scripts?
“Hades is the enemy of all life, gods, and men. ”
I mean, with these cracks appearing, maybe Hades gets a second shot at returning to Earth and getting revenge on those who put him there, since he sounds rather mad at gods and men.
I just don't want it to be too “samey” as per the other 2 movies, we are changing as much as it is, I don't want another “bad guy in the building” or “bad guy stored in a painting” sorta thing.

But I appreciate your views Peter, thanks. You have made me seen the way with the Ecto-2 and make sure Oscar isn't a clone of the 4 (which wasn't the intention) You've made valid points and I've taken them into account. But please see what you think about my points.

And thanks again GBusterChick6884!

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 8 months ago

Didn't like Ecto-3. Would explain again, but internet explorer died on me. Stupid thing. Impractical idea, that's all. Explain later if required.

EDIT: Okay, here's my problem with Ecto-3.
1) It's a sports car. Sports cars have boots (trunks) designed for the transportation of biscuits. Nothing larger. The Ghostbustes need to take packs ‘n’ traps.
2) How much faster can a sports car go, in comparison to a normal car? A ‘59 Cadillac can, if required go up to 120mph. I wouldn’t advise it if you want to keep the car healthy, but it is possible. An Aston Martin DB9 does 186mph, that's only 66mph faster (Only!).
3) When are you ever going to reach those speeds in New York City? Never.

by matthew1

19 years, 8 months ago

I would suggest that if you are including Oscar in the script, try not to write him is as a kind of superhero who encompases the qualities of the other four. Try and make his character unique and also try to give him some type of flaw. This is almost a law when writing characters for comedy.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 8 months ago

1) It's a sports car. Sports cars have boots (trunks) designed for the transportation of biscuits. Nothing larger. The Ghostbustes need to take packs ‘n’ traps.
Okay, in my hastily written rough, I see what you mean. After a bit of thinking and tweaking, how about a ‘sports looking’ car. I'm trying to come up with a new-look Ecto-1, so a more modern and sleek looking version. I can expand on my original intention and say that it has minimal trunk space as it is for urgent jobs, the extra equipment would weigh the vehicle down and the car would just need enough space for 2 proton packs.

2) How much faster can a sports car go, in comparison to a normal car? A ‘59 Cadillac can, if required go up to 120mph. I wouldn’t advise it if you want to keep the car healthy, but it is possible. An Aston Martin DB9 does 186mph, that's only 66mph faster (Only!).
3) When are you ever going to reach those speeds in New York City? Never.
Okay, I never really wasn't going for ‘speed’, nevertheless I did say urgency, but the main driver is a rev-head, so what I'm saying is how about instead of emphasising speed we go for acceleration? You can niggle and say there won't be enough space for a decent size engine, but this can all be ironed out later, it doesn't have to be modeled on an existing sports car, merely a unique GB one.

Not sure if you're in disagreement with the somewhat similar-to-hell plotline of Hades and the Underworld emerging, but for now it's what I've
thought of and will be the main jist of the story until I think of something else. “I just couldn't help it, it just popped in there.” (I hate wasting a good opportunity to use a GB line )

Try and make his character unique and also try to give him some type of flaw.
That's almost a given that all characters have flaws, it gives everyone a chance to relate to them, gives sympathy, and can also create tension if it is used somewhere as a plot device. Which just so happens to exist in another movie I'm writing
The disadvantage of the main character will actually end up saving his life at the end. The pros and cons of his powers are mentioned briefly at the start, and you never see what the consequences of his cons are until the end of the story.
For example with Oscar you could have him a great Ghostbuster, but because of his semi-possession from Vego, who was a powerful sorcerer, he has become easily prone to possessions from other smaller spirits and entities. Not the best example, but can be used. In fact, I'll put it down with my other notes.

try not to write him is as a kind of superhero who encompases the qualities of the other four.
I'm not trying to do this, I'm trying to have him with similar attributes, not a combination of all four. He's not going to collect Fungii and moulds like Egon, he's not going to be like Peter and just be in it for fame and fortune. Can anyone see what I'm saying?
Possible bad example time: take Peter Parker AKA: Spider-Man. He has a great science mind (Egon), quick wit (Peter), loves being Spidey (well used to) - (Ray), and can relate with normal people around him, or can explain complicated sciences to average people (Winston). He has an attribute from each of the Ghostbusters, yet he is unique, this is what I envisioned with Oscar.