My Ghostbusters 3 movie idea.

by Kingpin

19 years, 8 months ago

A side effect from his part possession from Vigo? Interesting, I may be wrong, but I think there haven't been many to examine that idea, and it would make sense if there was maybe something left in Oscar after having an entity as old and evil as Vigo attempt to assimilate his body so he could rule again.

As for the Ecto-3, a sports car doesn't always have to fit the sterotype, I believe the current Audio TT Quatro seems fairly sporty but also seems to have a fairly decent sized trunk, though, I've never looked inside one so I'm open to correction on that, but it depends on how big the equipment is in this version of events.

by venky1

19 years, 8 months ago

if i may…
regarding the sports car idea. with the way you explained it in your draft, it seems as though you wont be using the ecto-1 very much (if at all) in the new story. i suggest a subaru (dont know how to spell) outback. immpressive handling and engine, along with the storage room for the packs. or something along those lines…

i just wanted to mention that your story is a great idea, but im not too sure how long i could take the ghostbusters as business men. you really are spinning this to become a modern movie, but that might be one step over the edge. i like the gb inc. and gbu, but i cant see them as ceo's. that just makes me envision them as removed from the action, which is where they are at home. of course, i am a horrible reader, and i may have misunderstood your intentions with that aspect. but other than that, it really is a wonderful concept.

i was also wondering how you were going to explain what had happened to them since 1989, because that seems like something that would be difficult to do without spelling it out as in the begining of gbII

by fusi0n1

19 years, 8 months ago

if i may…
regarding the sports car idea. with the way you explained it in your draft, it seems as though you wont be using the ecto-1 very much (if at all) in the new story. i suggest a subaru (dont know how to spell) outback. immpressive handling and engine, along with the storage room for the packs. or something along those lines…
Yeah that sounds cool, must admit never had any sports cars in mind, just visualised a sporty looking vehicle. I mean, I just threw those ideas up, I just wanted to emphasise that there will be new vehicles.
The original Ecto-1 will still be used for sometime, but maybe after 5 years or so when the new team come along, they realise it's not the best way to get around. It still runs around but maybe for small jobs by the original team, or for advertising purposes, or just be put away in the memorobilia section of GC. I can imagine after sometime it will need to retire.
I can see it in a ‘memorabilia’ section dedicated to the ghostbusters first experiences and battles with gozer and vigo, this could be a great nod to the first 2 movies, newspaper clippings on the walls of mr StayPuft, etc. I'm kinda visualising something similar to the scene in Back To The Future Part 2, where Marty is at the bottom of Biff's building, where it has the ‘good ol’ days playing on a TV and various things around the place.

i just wanted to mention that your story is a great idea, but im not too sure how long i could take the ghostbusters as business men. i like the gb inc. and gbu, but i cant see them as ceo's.
No, No Nooooo!!!! This wasn't my intention at all, sorry to mislead you and others. For want of a better word i used CEO's, meaning they are in charge of all decisions, and basically the boss of Ghostbuster Inc.
They are the top bosses from the get-go, but maybe after 5 years they hire the new team, then another 5 years of working with the new team, they start to slow down, and that's when they go off and startup their own little nichés of Ghostbusters Inc. So they are never in meetings, wear ties, or do that business-men type stuff (they may have an advisor to help them with the runnings of Ghostbusters Inc.) However saying that, I can see a hilarious scene where they ARE in a meeting they organised as CEO's, all in business suits, in a room, a clock ticking, and in complete silence, this of course is a complete farce and they all realise this isn't what they want to be doing.

They still love busting, but in their mid-fifties it's taking its toll. Egon then takes up teaching at GCU, and Peter on the tours etc, so they are still CEO's, but not businessmen, they are still very much active in the GB world. They can maybe do this when we focus more on the new team and a few of their ghost encounters. It will mainly switch from one team to another after a while.

I'm also tossing up the notion of them maybe not being totally in charge, instead they trust their advisor who helps in their decision making, however he wants to take over the business. He eventually finds a loop-hole in a contract or whatever, and fires the original team, so they are out on their own. This is where the new team all disappear and then they are re-employed under conditions they become the only decision-makers. They find they can't use the new weapons (whether it be, they have no idea how they work, or they add to the portal problem) so need to grab their original gear, and grab the Ecto-1 for old time's sake

i was also wondering how you were going to explain what had happened to them since 1989, because that seems like something that would be difficult to do without spelling it out as in the begining of gbII
I was thinking of starting the movie like this:
We open up to a bright sunny morning in NY, zoom to a college campus next to a large building. We see students walking around with backpacks in groups, looks like they're off to class. They eventually make their way inside the building which has the initials ‘GCU’ on the side, as a bell goes off to indicate start of classes, they make their way to their seats and sit down.
We hear a familiar voice, it's a very much older Dr. Egon Spengler, so we know that time has indeed advanced since the second movie. He starts off the class, writing on the blackboard and talking about the Paranomal. We assume, he is not a Ghostbuster anymore, and that the Ghostbusters do not exist. All of a sudden a student starts acting up and being disruptive, yelling out things like, “You don't know what you're talking about, you know NOTHING about ghosts!”. Egon is quite annoyed, and asks who is making the disruption, lots of students point towards this ruffled and absurdly dressed student with weird hair, it he looks like he is a new student.
When asked what is the problem, he starts talking back very rudely. Egon gets quite furious and advises him to leave, the student's eyes turn red and starts spouting off evil latin words, louder and louder. Desks and chairs start hovering up in the air, complete with students still sitting in them! Egon's eyebrow raises slightly, papers and books start flying passed all over the place, the student then explodes into a burst of light, complete with electricity. It is now revealed he is a ghost! Students start screaming and disperse. The hideous ghost advances after them and starts attacking them, we then hear a loud BANG!!! The ghost looks over and sees standing in the doorway, 2 men in familiar, yet different uniforms holding what looks like updated proton packs, they then rush in and zap on their equipment providing an awesome light show of laser beams. The ghost is then held in the air with the beams, then slowly lowered down and caputured via a trap.
“Sorry, Dr. Spengler.”, states one of the men. “He got away and snuck into GCU.”
“That's okay, Hank. Good job.” Egon replies.
“Is everyone alright? Are you okay, Egon?”
“Yup. I never doubted your punctuality. But more importantly… I ain't afraid of no ghost.” Egon smirks at the two ghostbusters, they smile and roll their eyes and walk out the door… cut back to Egon smiling. Cue the familiar theme song…
We then open up to another scene where the chance to recap to the present day appears. Maybe the four sitting down in a cafetaria, Peter just getting back from a local tour, with a bit of slime on him as a souvenir from one of the locations.

Okay, that intro needs tweaking, it needs to be better, I wanted something clever and funny, but again, off the top ofmy head. Apologies.

I do believe I have typed way to much, appreciate your feedback!

by venky1

19 years, 7 months ago

i appreciate you clarifying some of the points that i made earlier. and it only makes your idea look better.

i agree that it would be a funny scene with the ghostbusters as actual ceos and realizing that it is not their true calling

i like the beginning, but when i asked about it, i was refering to how you would introduce the new concepts, such as the “business” aspect of it. i like the way you approached it with the gcu, so that might be a good style to stick with for now.