My ghostbusters 3 script ( the start)

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 2 months ago

Ok 3 weeks ago i posted i was going to write my own script. I started the beginning 3 weeks ago and today i added more. My sister read it and thinks its pretty good so far(Shes also a GB fan) So heres what I have so far.

Here our my ideas, a few of him that been changed

X means not going to happen
* Debating

-New Ghostbusters companies X

-2 new ghostbusters

-New weapons *

-New vechiles *

-Slimer Helps find ghost X

-The source of the head ghost is in a police station *


-NYC Present day

-NYC Police Department

Heres the beginning of the script.

Detective Thomas Dunne was on his way into the basement in the NYPD police department headquarters. Dunne is a 26 year old man, averaged sized weight, unshaved and is very exhausted after working a long stressful shift. He just finshed putting files away and decides to sit down and smoke a cigarette. He lights it and 5 seconds later it goes out, he lights it again and 5 seconds later it goes out. He gets up and starts looking around for a open window or open door and finds nothing. As he sits down the chair was moved from where he was sitting, he nervously looks around and wipes the sweat off.
This time he sheilds the cigarette from any wind and sits down again. Now trying to relax, the cigarette gets throw out of his mouth and is pushed a cross the hall in the chair. Dunne gets up runs up the stairs, knocking over papers, files, pictures,ETC. Gets to the top of the stairway finds the door locked and a big blue mist jumps out for him and he screams.

(Ghostbusters theme song starts and we then see the Ghostbusters 3 logo)

The camera show up parts of new york and the camera stops at a newspaper stand. Newspaper reads “World of the psychic #1 for 12 years in a row!!”

(Into the “World of the psychic studios)

Venkman has a gray beard and a full head of gray hair.

Venkman:Hi welcome back to the ”World of the psychic“ Going into our 13th season. We have a special treat for you all. No its not the backstreet boys or N Sync. Even better, what other way to start off a new season with no other then my former fellow co-workers Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler, and Winston Zeddemore give them a hand please!

(Crowd cheers very loudly Stantz, Egon, and Winston are waving back to the fans)

Both Ray and Egon have put on some weight, Winston looks pretty much the same other then his hair has some gray spots.

Venkman: Welcome to the ”World of the psychic" of course you 3 gentlemen know who I am. I hope you all know Ray's book store has grown into a chain, because of its huge popularity, now isn't that right Ray, Ray?

Ray: Yes of course Ray's Occult is your place to go for your supernatural and paranormal needs.

Venkman: Egon is now a Professor at NYU not just a professor but at the top of the Supernatural, Paranormal department at NYU.

(Egon is a little camera shy and is blushing extremely bad, trying to hide it)

Egon: Thanks Peter for letting them know. Anyone intersted in that department you can call 1-800-555-nyue and ask for the Paranormal department or email me at

Venkman: Winston is currently selling homes in the real estate department. You need a house he's your man. And I gurannteed there not haunted(Smile on his face)

Winstom: Thanks Peter, Thats right Zeddemore real estate we can find your dream house.

Venkman: The reason I have these fine gentlement on the show is theres been so much talk of a Ghostbusters reunion, it sounds like its bigger news then the a beatles reunion

Crowd laughs and cheers loudly

Venkman: So my idea was to have you 3 on the show and let everyone know of the chances of the Ghostbusters rejoining.

Ray: Well first Pete, viewers. There has been to be ghosts and some kind of supernatural activity. Dr.Spengler and I often take P.K.E and Ga Ga meter checks and theres nothing to report.

Egon: Ever since the events of 1989 NYC has seen how important it is to be nice to each other and act more positive. Where thats how it all started back in 1989 was from negative vibes.

Winston: Its funny, sometimes when I am selling a house, many people ask me if the house is haunted and if it is, can I come back and get the ghosts

Crowd Laughs

Venkman: Plus I think were a little too old (Coughs) and to heavy. To run around after any ghosts.

Crowd laughs and Ray and Egon give Peter a friendly Dirty look

Venkman: Ok now my favorite part of the show. The crowd asks myself and my guest questions.

Venkman walks off the stage into the middle isle

Venkman: Yes the woman in the blue shirt.

Woman in blue shirt: Yes my question is for Dr. Stantz. I recently bought your book on your life during the times of the Ghostbusters. How was it getting Oral pleasure from a ghost, was it like getting it from a human?

VenkmanLaughs lightly) Hey you can't ask that on T.V.

Ray is embrassed and is sliding down into his seat.

Ray: (Nervous) Well… Um…

Venkman: Next Question, Yes you

Man #1: Ok, Ok. I understand that you guys saved the world twice. But why do you guys take these gigs? You can be out there with all the women, money, cars, houses, and you all blew it.

Venkman: I think I can answer this one. Hey fun boy why don't you sit in that chair and ask a question that doesnt take the mind of a rock to ask.

Crowd Laughs and Cheers

Man #1 looks mad but just sits down

Venkman: Does anyone actually have a intellegent question??

Ok thats all I have so far. The next part will probaly be them getting a call from the police department asking if the can go take a look at it, getting dana and louis getting introduced, and the training of 2 new ghostbusters, Which if i were making Ghostbusters 3 I would try to get 2 of these 4Matthew Lillard, Hugh Jackmen, Freddy Prinze, and Jack black.

Tell me what u think, either respond or email me at