My Ghostbusters clock

by KnitChick

17 years, 10 months ago

Hello everyone!

I thought I'd share my latest craft here, too, since it's Ghostbusters. I love making clocks and when Craftster made that the theme of the latest clock challenge I came up with this. I've been watching a lot of Danny Phantom lately (thanks to a friend on the MSMF boards introducing me to him) and it got me in a ghost mood.

Unfortunately I can't get my digital camera to behave and get a decent shot of what it looks like in the dark so you'll just have to imagine – the green background is all glow paint and it glows green. The ghost in the GB logo is painted with glow paint too, it looks really cool in the dark! I'm thinking of adding a little touch of glow paint to the hands, Danny's outline and maybe Slimer's too.

Here's a couple closeups of the hands, Danny is the minute hand, Slimer is the hour hand, and the proton beam is the second hand.

(feel free to also check out my full post on Craftster)

I'm now anxiously awaiting the results of voting to see if I won. *crosses fingers* I really want to win one of these challenges!! Last time my painstakingly knitted miniature tank top lost to a cheeseburger! (o_O)

Anyway, comments, criticisms, and votes muchly appreciated!!

~Mary Jo~

by fome

17 years, 10 months ago

I like it

by ecto_plasmic1

17 years, 10 months ago

it's.. creative. You should've painted the background black and imo, Danny Phantom doesn't really fit in the Ghostbusters scene.. but hey, it's your thing.. if you like it that's fine. :-)

by KnitChick

17 years, 10 months ago

I'm a crossover addict. Most of my fanfiction seems to end up being some kind of crossover. Probably because I have so many interests I have to enjoy them in batches

And besides, black wouldn't glow in the dark (if I could get a decent pic of my room in the dark you'd see why that's important to me!)

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 10 months ago

take a picture of the clock at night


by RealmMan

17 years, 10 months ago

…Last time my painstakingly knitted miniature tank top lost to a cheeseburger! (o_O)

Anywhere else, that sentence would seem weird…