Was going to get to that eventually, Kingpin.
First off
it's annoying
to try
to read
Secondly- the T-1000 was in the cast. My knowledge of parapsychology is pretty limited, but that there is a ROBOT.
Third- what it appears to be is a fan fiction of “Extreme Ghostbusters”, with the same backstory, characters, and whathaveyou. To add insult, it's under “characters I created”. No. You file these under “existing characters” and the rest (Misty… “Pokemon” fan are we?) under “new characters”.
Fourth- It's Sam Hain
Fifth- I seriously have acted out the same story as a kid with my action figures.
666th- If you plan on making this into a fan film, you'd better get Speilberg as a producer to get “10 vampires”, “15 zombies”, and “9 trolls” as well as paying for the effects of the film.
Seventh- The people on this board live from the BEAUTIFUL sunny beaches of California to the Netherlands. Not a good idea to hold a casting call on an international messageboard.
Eighth- Scripts do not have more than one exclaimation point in dialogue.
Ninth- You fail to mention HOW the kids get into the building, know what the containment unit is, or know how to fix the machine. Last person that f*cked with the machine blew a hole in the building's goddamn ceiling.
Tenth- I'm sorry… but that T-1000 thing just won't get out of my mind.
In closing terms, I know this is sounding harsh, but this is coming from someone who takes “Ghostbusters” very seriously. This would be better off as a fan fiction story to post on someone's webring.
The passion to want to make a fan film is great, don't get me wrong. But when writing a fan film, you have to keep in mind budget, locations, budget, finding actors, budget, props, and finally budget. But doing a GB fan film with that big of a cast and all those monsters is LOTR scale filmmaking.
If you want to make a halfway decent film (and believe you me, I have seen some SHIT out there) strip it all down to at least 10 minutes. Get yourself and some friends, raise a little bit of scratch, find someone in your area that can do movie graphics, and make the best props you can physically do. If your film sucks, at least people will say that it had good props. Make an original script using as little as possible from other people's ideas and more from your own creativity.
And finally: do not attempt to make your own Ecto 1 out of your mom's 1994 Ford Taurus. Leave this to the professionals.