My Ghostbusters fan script

by beany302006

18 years, 9 months ago

Here is the list of Characters i have created so far.

(*egon) Spengler- Jeremy Dunn
(*ray) Stantz-
(*peter) Venkman-
(*winston) Zeddmore-
(*janine) Melninz-
Luis Tully-
Kylie Griffin-
Edwardo Rivera-
Roland Jackson-
Garrett Miller-
Voice of :-)-
Mrs. Johnson-
The Mayor-
The Mummy-
The Wolfman-
Sam Hein-
10 vampires-
15 zombies-
9 trolls-
Kid #1-
Kid #2-

That is all of my cast list I have if you guys can think of any more Character to add let me know and also let me know which Character you fit the most to play. send me any pics of you along with the Character you would like to play.

Jeremy aka (*egon)

i started my fan script here are a few pages if you wish to read them and let me know if your interested.
Ghostbusters 4

Halloween is

It’s been 15 years
Since anything has
Happened with our
Local Hero’s.
They all split up and
Went there separate
Ways. Egon is the
Only person living
In the Firehouse,
The equiptment has
Been falling apart,
The Ecto-1 has broken
Down, and the Containment
Unit still remains in contact.
It’s Halloween day and
The kids are pulling pranks
On the younger kids.
Two kids have broken in
Ghostbusters Headquarters
To pull a great prank on a
Few Elementary kids.

Kid #1: This is going to be a good one this year.

Kid #2: Yeah, those kids will be so scared they’re
Going to run home and cry to their mommies.

They had looked around
Place to see what they
Could use to scare the
Kids with, so they searched
Everywhere. They finally
Made their way to the
Basement. They stumbled
Across the Containment Unit.
They pushed buttons, pulled
Levers, and the Containment
Unit came to life.

Kid #2: Cool!!!!!!

Kid #1: Shh! Want to get us into trouble?

Kid #2: No!!! (He whispered)

Kid #1: I wonder what would happen if I
Opened this little door.

Suddenly a loud
Buzz could be heard.

Kid #2: Now you’ve done it, you broke it!

Kid #1: Just shut up and help me fix it!

Before they got a chance
To fix anything, something
Got loose through the pipes,
Not knowing what it was
The kids fixed the machine.

Kid #1: There I told you I could fix it.

Kid #2: Yeah, but what escaped through
The pipes?

Just then an evil looking
Creature emerged through
The wall.

Both kids: GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warlock: (scratchy voice) Thank you for
Releasing me humans.

Both kids bolted up
The stairs and out
The doors screaming.
Not knowing they left
The door on the
Containment Unit
Open where all
The ghost could
Escape in New York.

Warlock: I’ve been locked up for far too long.
Now I can have my revenge on those
Ghostbusters who has locked me away.

Just then the screen
Goes dark and the
Ghostbusters Theme
Kicks in.

Fade in the

Fade out.

Let me know what you thing so far.

Also Here is the list of Characters i have created so far.

(*egon) Spengler- Jeremy Dunn
(*ray) Stantz-
(*peter) Venkman-
(*winston) Zeddmore-
(*janine) Melninz-
Luis Tully-
Kylie Griffin-
Edwardo Rivera-
Roland Jackson-
Garrett Miller-
Voice of :-) -
Mrs. Johnson-
The Mayor-
The Mummy-
The Wolfman-
Sam Hein-
10 vampires-
15 zombies-
9 trolls-
Kid #1-
Kid #2-
Citizen Ghost Ghostbusters-

That is all of my cast list I have if you guys can think of any more Character to add let me know and also let me know which Character you fit the most to play. send me any pics of you along with the Character you would like to play.

Jeremy aka

Jeremy aka (*egon)

by sinister1

18 years, 9 months ago

In future could you please make the subject of your post something that relates to the post's CONTENT, and not just a hello.


by 9sam11

18 years, 9 months ago

its writen oddly, like 2 words a sentence lol also is this for a fan movie? if not then theres no need for like 30 pages of the list of characters, the scripts ok, should probly wait till its fully done to post it

by RoboProp

18 years, 9 months ago

And why is there 5 threads on the same topic? (o_O)


by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

And why is there 5 threads on the same topic? (o_O)


Beany didn't seem to understand that we try keep things to one topic.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 9 months ago

That… was the dumbest shit ever.

by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

A little harshly worded… but I'll agree that it could use room for improvement…

If you can suggest anything to him to improve it, then do so.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 9 months ago

Was going to get to that eventually, Kingpin.

First off
it's annoying
to try
to read

Secondly- the T-1000 was in the cast. My knowledge of parapsychology is pretty limited, but that there is a ROBOT.

Third- what it appears to be is a fan fiction of “Extreme Ghostbusters”, with the same backstory, characters, and whathaveyou. To add insult, it's under “characters I created”. No. You file these under “existing characters” and the rest (Misty… “Pokemon” fan are we?) under “new characters”.

Fourth- It's Sam Hain

Fifth- I seriously have acted out the same story as a kid with my action figures.

666th- If you plan on making this into a fan film, you'd better get Speilberg as a producer to get “10 vampires”, “15 zombies”, and “9 trolls” as well as paying for the effects of the film.

Seventh- The people on this board live from the BEAUTIFUL sunny beaches of California to the Netherlands. Not a good idea to hold a casting call on an international messageboard.

Eighth- Scripts do not have more than one exclaimation point in dialogue.

Ninth- You fail to mention HOW the kids get into the building, know what the containment unit is, or know how to fix the machine. Last person that f*cked with the machine blew a hole in the building's goddamn ceiling.

Tenth- I'm sorry… but that T-1000 thing just won't get out of my mind.

In closing terms, I know this is sounding harsh, but this is coming from someone who takes “Ghostbusters” very seriously. This would be better off as a fan fiction story to post on someone's webring.

The passion to want to make a fan film is great, don't get me wrong. But when writing a fan film, you have to keep in mind budget, locations, budget, finding actors, budget, props, and finally budget. But doing a GB fan film with that big of a cast and all those monsters is LOTR scale filmmaking.

If you want to make a halfway decent film (and believe you me, I have seen some SHIT out there) strip it all down to at least 10 minutes. Get yourself and some friends, raise a little bit of scratch, find someone in your area that can do movie graphics, and make the best props you can physically do. If your film sucks, at least people will say that it had good props. Make an original script using as little as possible from other people's ideas and more from your own creativity.

And finally: do not attempt to make your own Ecto 1 out of your mom's 1994 Ford Taurus. Leave this to the professionals.

by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

Was going to get to that eventually, Kingpin.

Sorry… there's been a number of cases where people have given reviews but without feedback to correct the problems, I apologise.

First off
it's annoying
to try
to read

He actually PM'ed me in how to post his script here… something tells me he did a direct copy and paste without actually reformatting it for forum viewing.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 9 months ago

no offense…but that was pretty retarded haha…a “warlock?” warlock are sooo lame in my eyes. and yes the t-1000? come on…haha. i agree with crimson here where you're not tihnking about budget here. where do u plan on getting all this money? how are u gonna make the containment unit? how are u gonna make ghosts?

think things through and you will come to your senses

PS- please stop using the emoticons so frequently…its quite annoying haha