You know, I have to admit how disgusted I am with how some people choose to respond to someone who's putting out some effort and looking for FEEDBACK, not INSULTS or POOR criticism.
It wasnÂt everyone in the thread, but enough. I mean, if itÂs not your thing to start, and you see things you donÂt like, but donÂt want to take the time to actually help, then just donÂt post anything. People take silence (and therefore lack of compliments) a lot better than Âwow, that was retarded with nothing more to add.
And seriously, did anyone take other factors into consideration before hurling away with the poor remarks? How old the person is? The overall intent to the story? Reasons why things may or may not be they way they are?
DoesnÂt seem like itÂ
Please, itÂs not the best material out there but itÂs not the worst either. If youÂre gonna reply, be NICE and constructive. But donÂt respond like a constructive jerk. In other words, support peopleÂs efforts, donÂt bring them down.
Having said that, Beany, hereÂs my thoughts:
The high number of ghosts in your script (10 vamps, 15 zombies, etc), right now, donÂt worry about it. I know itÂs been said Âget your budget straight before coming up with those kind of numbers (to which I might add are NOT LotR sized budgets which had hundreds if not more people casted. This is nothing). But thatÂs assuming you actually plan on filming this.
I know not MANY do, but I know I have and others have written stories in the form of Âscripts for the sake of just doing so. IÂve done it for the fun aspect. Seeing what creative ways IÂd pull off scenes, how IÂd do them, etc with no intent to film them. ItÂs just fun. So, if thatÂs your case, do what youÂd like cast wise.
The T-1000, well, people are right on this. Terminator and Ghostbusters donÂt really mesh well and there is no common factor between them to even do so. Not that I havenÂt been working on weird crossovers, butÂ
I think IÂd be hard pressed with this one. IÂd drop it.
I agree you should divide the Âcast up into sections. Recurring/Already established Characters, Cameos/Crossover characters, and Original/Newly Created Characters would be best suited.
IÂd be careful on how you word things (aside form the general layout you have going which needs some reworking for the forums). As people pointed out, youÂve got a lot left out in the form of details going on what you set up.
While a script isnÂt meant to be overly detailed and explain everything, the gist should be easily conveyed and understood as itÂs intended to come across.
So, the scene where the kids Âfix the containment unit, should probably be switched from fix (which implied working knowledge of the unit) to perhaps:
Âthe children continue to frantically press random buttons and pull levels in an attempt to restore the unit back to itÂs previous status. After a minute, the children succeed.Â
This sets up the same effect, but explaining that itÂs kids being scared kids at getting caught, not genius kids who seem to instantly understand how the containment unit works.
Sam Hain. ItÂs cool youÂre bringing him back again. I think he was under used really (despite 2 full eps and some cameos). But, IIRC, he wasnÂt a vengeful type of ghost. Even on his second outing, he didnÂt actively seek revenge on the Ghostbusters themselves. He took over their home and tried to keep the Ghostbusters away while he carried out his plan. With this in mind, it doesnÂt make sense to have him seek revenge on a team of Ghostbusters not even currently active (meaning, itÂs a lot of research to hunt down a gang thatÂs been split up as long as the original team has). HeÂd move on.
The Mummy, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. ThatÂs a lot of famous monsters youÂve got there. A mummy in general or a vampire (which youÂve already casted) isnÂt really a problem. But enlisted famous monsters like these might be a bit much plot wise. Each one is classic in their own right with rich background (especially Dracula) and deserve perhaps their own story as apposed to somehow being minions or being squeezed in with Sam Hain (who youÂve set up as the main villain). Might want to take them out and use them in their own rightsÂ
The initial set up is a little confusing to when it comes to the Ghostbusters. I see you have casted both the original team and the Extreme team. So when you say this is 15 years since anything has happened with the Âlocal heros is this referring to the extreme or original?
If this is 15 years after Extreme, youÂve set yourself up for a fast fall as the original team probably isnÂt in any real shape to be running around catching ghosts anymore and Sam Hain has no first hand knowledge of the Extreme team to seek any sort of revenge.
The children breaking in is a weak jump start to the story as well. Okay, theyÂre breaking in, but itÂs WHY thatÂs weak. How is breaking into the ol Ghostbusters HQ pranking the younger kids?? (Sidenote: YouÂre referring to them as kids pulling pranks on younger elementary kids. Exactly how old are the 2 breaking in? I mean, elementary is 1-5 IIRC, while Middle School is 6-8.. And Middle school kids in my days never worried about pranking elementary kids. Might want to work on that wording there).
And if theyÂre pulling pranks, itÂs more likely this is the 30th, Mischief Night as appose to Halloween itself. This would also help you establishing a sense of time in your setting/story and give Sam Hain time to work out his plans.
ThatÂs all I got for now, I hope it was helpful.