My Ghostbusters Tattoo

by CrossingtheStreams

16 years, 4 months ago

NOTICE:: If you have nothing nice to say, don't post. I personally don't want to hear anything even if it is some-what negative. Also, if it IS negative, I will read 2 seconds of it and delete it so it won't even stay for long…so why bother?


Hello People!

Well, I have had this tatoo for a few months now and i finally decided to put it up on the forums! I got the Ghostbusters Logo on my 18th Birthday so that's why it my be a little fader than the rest.

I plan on getting a sleeve that will be a collage of everything I love (everything from Spiderman, to Zombies :0] ).

It's not finished yet though, I plan on getting a little shading and what not and there is going to be more GB art.


if it is not positive, nobody wants to hear it.


by justinmarkus

16 years, 4 months ago

dude! sick! how much did that cost?

by CrossingtheStreams

16 years, 4 months ago

200, I have a buddy that's my tatoo guy.



by justinmarkus

16 years, 4 months ago

that's awesome. i've been trying to think of what my first tat will be and im a little pissed i didnt even think GBs.

by Slimed84

16 years, 4 months ago

that's awesome. i've been trying to think of what my first tat will be and im a little pissed i didnt even think GBs.

I have thought of getting a Ghostbusters tattoo in the past but I would want it to be creative. It will be a while though since my next project is a dragon on my left forearm/wrist that will take three sessions to finish.

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

That's definately going to be a labour of dedication. What inspired you to use the cover art from Legion?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

That looks great. Really nice lookin. Are you planning on getting it colored in or is it just going to be black and white? I could see the positives in both.

As for anyone being negative, I don't think you'll really have to worry about that, but also don't over-react. You can't basically say “if you don't like it then I'm going to delete it” for a few reasons. One being that you don't have the authority to delete other people's posts. Two being that people are entitled to their opinions. Now it would be different if someone was outright attacking you, but I highly doubt that happens. If someone doesn't like the tat, you can basically just ignore them. The tattoo is your's, its on your body. Frankly, you're the only one who needs to like it. If you like it, and it means something to you, that's all that matters.

I'm still debating my GB tat. I dunno if I'm going to get one, or where I'm going to get it. I just have some things that I might get instead.

by CrossingtheStreams

16 years, 4 months ago


Thanks for the support people! I'm going to add more soon. If you guys have any suggestions of what I should add, feel free!

Only rule is that it has to be in a serious comic style and it cant go past at around where my tat ends right now…

Oh! I chose the legion cover because it fit the best with all my other tats and I LOVE the art style! (i was thinking of getting the Ecto and Monsters from the Legion Issue 4 next to everything to fill in)

PS: Sorry for sounding like a douche in my first post… I came off like that because of a certain person on the forums who (hopefully) is no longer with us that would go to the GB tat threads and just rag on the person so I was just simply avoiding from that happening…

Otherwise I'm a great guy if you don't already know me!


by UltimateGBfan

16 years, 4 months ago

Very cool.

I have the GB1 logo on my right shoulder.

by Chad

16 years, 4 months ago

As I said in the blog post, I think this is the best Ghostbusters tattoo I've seen over the years.