@CrimsonGhostbuster it took a few months in picking out which version of stay puft and slimer to go for and also what was the best way to corperate ecto 1 in to it…..the firehouse was'nt origonally planned for the tattoo but as i started to piece what way i wanted the tattoo i decided i cant have a ghostbusters tattoo without the firehouse and den went for the new york background of course…..all in all the tattoo took 22hrs….well worth it :-)
thanks for the replys
by ghstbstrlmliii1
14 years, 7 months ago
That would be impressive just on a sheet of paper, but to see it inked like that..wow. Very nice. Which stay-puft did you use? That looks like the Promo Slimer from the RGB picture where all the guys are in tan uniforms hanging out of the Ecto with Stay-puft reaching behind them. (Wow that turned into a long description but I didn't know another way to put that into words. haha)
by zeddmore
14 years, 7 months ago
@GhstbstrLMLIII ya slimer is from the real ghostbusters promo that you just discribed…his the exact one in my avatar pic….he suited the tattoo better then the others and stay puft was actually a black and white drawing that i found on the net that i thought had the right look….ecto 1 was also a black and white pic that i had found aswell……hours of mix and matching