here you go. sorry if it's no good. i'm not exactly a great writer.
Ghostbusters Forever episode # 39
No Check Out Hotel
Episode begins with a view of the New York skyline at night. A close view of a couple walking into a hotel. They walk up to the desk and ring the bell. A young man appears to greet the guests.
Young Man: (smiles) May I help you two?
Husband: Yes, we would like to check in to the Honeymoon Suite. ( puts his arm around his wife)
Young Man: I see. Here is your key and enjoy your stay. (once again grins but this grin is more sinister. As he smiles shadow falls on his face)
Husband and Wife make there way up the stairs when suddenly the stairs begin to melt. The couple screams for their lives. The young man at the desk watches as the couple is sucked into the stairs. They are completely sucked through and the stairs return to their normal form. There is a view behind the young man where there is a blue, devilish tail protruding from the back of the manÂs pants. Main title theme begins.
Now it is day and there is a familiar shot of the front of the Firehouse. Zack sits inside watching basketball on TV while Mike and Tommy do all the work.
Tommy: Hey Zack. You can help anytime now.
Mike: Yeah. CanÂt you do something besides watch basketball?
Zack: Ok. (turns on baseball game.) The Sox are killing them today.
Tommy and Mike exchange glances. Just then the phone rings.
Mike: (picks up the phone) Ghostbusters, when something says boo, you know what to do.
Zack: ThereÂs a new one.
Mike: Suit up you guys! That was an emergency call.
Zack: Now I have to watch the replay.
Ecto-1 is now speeding down the road with the sirens blaring. They arrive at the hotel where we saw the couple disappear. The young man rushes to the lobby to see the Ghostbusters entering.
Young Man: Excuse me do you have reservations!
Tommy: We got a call from down the street about a disappearance. We are just going to run a sweep of the place.
Young Man: (angered) If you do not remove yourselves at once you will be forcefully removed.
Zack: Listen here little man. This is our job. We will be done in a minute.
Young Man: I warned you! (suddenly the man bursts into flames and is gone)
Mike: (points up) Look out!
The chandelier comes crashing down demolishing the floor. The Ghostbusters fall through the giant space which was once the floor. Eventually they land on solid ground.
Mike: Everybody ok?
Tommy: Fine here.
Zack: Besides the fact I just fell through a giant hole in the ground I think IÂm fine.
Mike: We have to keep moving. We have to find that missing couple still.
Zack: TheyÂll be ok. LetÂs just get out of here.
Mike: Follow me. (knocks on the wall in front of them a few times then blasts it with his proton gun)
The Ghostbusters enter a kitchen area.
Zack: Great! IÂm starving.
Suddenly, knives and forks began to fly right at them. All three began to blast the silverware, which falls to the floor once hit by the beams of proton.
Tommy: LetÂs keep moving.
The next room they enter is the large dining hall where two older men sit and talk.
Mike: Are you the hostages we are here to rescue.
Old Man 1: Yes. You must get out of here before it gets you too!
Tommy: You two are coming with us. Follow us.
The old men stand up and wait for the Ghostbusters to pass by. Once they do, the men turn into demonic creatures. The Ghostbusters begin to blast them.
One is blown away immediately but the other tries to run. Zack aims and makes short work out of the creature.
Tommy: We canÂt get fooled like that again or it will be the end of us. LetÂs keep moving. They have to be here somewhere.
The Ghostbusters make their way down a long hall. At the end of it is a door. They run to the door but as they get closer the hall turns into a tongue and the door a mouth. All three are swallowed by the mouth.
Zack: Every time we turn around there is something to face. What is up with this place? Is the service that bad?
Mike: All of the things that we have faced are not ghosts but pieces off another ghosts. That is why we canÂt trap them. And I have a good idea who the other ghost is.
Zack: (points ahead) Look. ItÂs another door.
Tommy: (Blasts down the door) ThereÂs the hostages.
Zack: Take a reading on them. We canÂt be fooled if they are ghosts.
Mike: TheyÂre human. Get them and letÂs go.
The Ghostbusters find their way back to the lobby where they see there is no longer a door.
Tommy: Oh, no.
Ghosts suddenly appear and float around the room while the young man from the desk floats down. He then turns completely blue. His eyes turn red and fangs appear in his mouth. His voice is now half his normal voice and half a sinister and evil voice.
Young Man: You dare do this to me. You three will as well be my prisoners for eternity and your souls will rot in this place even longer! (cackles wickedly)
Zack: Are you kidding me. We have heard all of this before. (Fires proton beam at the entity followed by Tommy)
Mike throws the trap under the struggling demon. He steps on the pedal and the demon and all of the other smaller ghosts swimming around him fly right into the trap. The building suddenly begins to collapse. The group of five run outside. The building crashes to the ground as the five outside watch.
Zack: Demolition, Ghostbuster style.
Police sirens are heard in the distance and appear to be getting closer.
Mike: (talking fast) So if you can quickly get in the car and tell us your address before the cops get here we can drop you off.
Tommy: the building just had to collapse.