My Ghostbusters Xbx 360 Cover

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

lol, they probably should rename the title to Z(.)(.)tfly's GB for Girlbusters

ha ha

reminds me of something…


by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 1 month ago

lol, they probably should rename the title to Z(.)(.)tfly's GB for Girlbusters

ha ha

reminds me of something…


kingpins gonna have a field day with you two…

haha :-)

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

lol, they probably should rename the title to Z(.)(.)tfly's GB for Girlbusters

ha ha

reminds me of something…


G, I wonder Why? (^_^)

Crossing the Streams
kingpins gonna have a field day with you two…

haha :-)

With us three. :-)

Cover looks nice but what already mentioned, remove the 360 in title, the game doesn't call Ghostbusters 360, fade out the GB logo and make the Zootfly logo smaller, should look a lot better then.

by mellie1

18 years, 1 month ago

aside from the other comments already posted, the spine needs to be fixed. The words blend in with the background. If I was looking for that in a row of games, I wouldn't be able to find it very easily.

by importtuner760

18 years, 1 month ago

How about this one?
As you can see I changed a few things around

by PeterVenkmen

18 years, 1 month ago

Still think the 360 part should be removed.

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

How about this one?
As you can see I changed a few things around

Titles show up better now… although I still don't understand the ‘Ghostbusters 360’ thing… you never see ‘Mario 360’ or ‘Halo 360’ (Although I bet some people would love 359 Halo sequels :p ).

Nice inclusion of the ESRB rating… gives it a bit more realism… however the ghost's right (left as we view it) hand creeps onto the spine… it might be worth either shifting the ghost graphics to the right, or slicing off the intruding section of the graphic.

It's getting better, though.

Heh, you've gotten me inspired… I may post it here, as long as you don't mind other people potetially stealing your thunder; importtuner.

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

Let's wait for Gh0stbuster to make one too (^_^)

Dr Spengler
Forget it. There are no girls.

ha ha I was going to say it but I wanna avoid trouble lol :p

lol, they probably should rename the title to Z(.)(.)tfly's GB for Girlbusters. :-)
But I'm not gonna make a cover yet before the game isn't officially announced.

i think your the token pervert of GBN. :p

by fusi0n1

18 years, 1 month ago

lol, they probably should rename the title to Z(.)(.)tfly's GB for Girlbusters. :-)
But I'm not gonna make a cover yet before the game isn't officially announced.
Aw, c'mon Gh0stbuster… You *did* do a cover for an Extreme Ghostbusters DVD… :p

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Co'mon guys, I want to see more video game covers!