My Ghostbusters Xbx 360 Cover

by heslimedme251

18 years, 1 month ago

I was reading an old post back and Kingpin said that it says on IMDB that Murray only agreed to do GB if Sony would have him star in the remake of some other movie.

So he actually did GB because Sony made a deal with him. You could tell he had no interest in it from the start because he wasn't given a script until the first day of shooting, he didnt even ask to have one.

sadly almost everything on IMDB is rumour, speculation or just plain crap!

EDIT: You always beat me to the punch Kingpin….dagnabit!


by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

EDIT: You always beat me to the punch Kingpin….dagnabit!

Heh, I try. :p

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

Seriously though, once again you just floor everyone with your design… I just hope nobody thinks I nicked ideas from yours when I get my concept finished… with that said, there's only so many varients using the promo art… but I know for a fact that while mine doesn't use the kinda cool spraypaint effect logo… it's a varient of the GB logo nobody has seen before. .

Thanks, well, I think the nicked ideas you want to use are GB standards.
The GB logo, title, black/yellow lines, slime, proton beam effects,… are things that always coming back in GB concepts.
I used the spraypaint effect logo because it's Zootfly's GB game logo, I think they still will use this logo if the game ever comes out.

Nice work Gh0stbuster. :-)

And that was your ‘quick’ effort? PHWAAAAR!

Thanks, yeah I made a quick one because there isn't any art and/or good screenshots available but we'll just have to wait until there's plenty available.

by misfit1

18 years, 1 month ago

I personally dont think Bill is refusing to do a GBIII or anything else GB related purely out of greed. He's been running around doing these low budget indie flicks for years now.

I think it's down to the fact he wasnt happy with GBII, and the direction the merchandising of ghostbusters went obviously wasnt to his liking either (A ghostbusters flyswatter?!)

by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

He still is a Content removed lol

Mod Note: Damn straight, Sayingkingkilla. Guido, please don't use that again - Kingin

The most amusing theory is it was his way of getting back at Lorenzo Music who voiced Peter in the cartoon.

But it seems it was someone in the production who took Murray's comments too close to heart…

But the real reason? No idea, I think people respect his work as Peter Venkman more then as Garfield.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

LOL, Mr. Fisk says that word isn't allowed.

I personally dont think Bill is refusing to do a GBIII or anything else GB related purely out of greed. He's been running around doing these low budget indie flicks for years now.

I think it's down to the fact he wasnt happy with GBII, and the direction the merchandising of ghostbusters went obviously wasnt to his liking either (A ghostbusters flyswatter?!)

I can't imagine why he'd sign on to do Garfield but not GB3. Garfield II's domestic total gross was $28,426,747. And it got a 12% on rottentomatoes.

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

we all remember Larger Than Life..

but come on stop bashing poor ol' Billy, without him there would be no Ghostbusters. also, you guys have to figure, if you got famous from a really big thing, and its all people known you for, and nobody respected your privacy wouldnt you get a little bored with it too? seriously, your acting like he's the big wall behind all the Ghostbusters mishaps. its not him, its Sony/Columbia themselves, they think the franchise has dulled out, and not profitable anymore, which is why we're lucked out all the time. leave billy alone, he didnt do anything, he loves the franchise and thats why he doesnt want to hurt it by over exploiting it. it makes sense. but he's not the one and only party.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, I guess you're right. But I wouldn't say if it wasn't for him there'd be on GB. That right belongs to Aykroyd.

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

true it is Akyroyd that is behind all the ideas , but no one else can be as deadpan and sarcastic as Murray for Venkman.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

That settles it! I'm watching Ghostbusters tomorrow.