My group in my Intro to Film Making is making several Ghostbusters movies....Read here

by GBSlimerFan

23 years, 2 months ago

Hey GB fans, I just started Intro to Film making and the two other kids in my group are Ghostbusters fans. But one of them is Huge. He has his own proton pack that he made and has a GB suit. I am making my own suit soon. So are projects for the semester is make a Public service annocement, Music Video, Documentary(Can only be about school related issues) and A Short Movie. Were doing a PSA on Why its bad to Cross the streams, Were gonna do our own version of the Ray Parker JR Ghostbusters theme song Music Video, and a 10-15 minute Ghostbusters 3. I am hoping i will be able to upload them and share them to everyone when there complete. I will post when it all comes up


by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

Don't call your 10-15 minute little thingy “Ghostbusters 3.” That would just be bad. Instead, call it “Ghostbusters Revisited” or “Ghostbusters … Again…” Hmm. This is harder than I thought. Oh well. Seeing as though I have no power over your creative skills, I just ask this as a favor:

PLEASE re-consider naming the film GB3.

by GBSlimerFan

23 years, 2 months ago

I was thinking that myself today in class, because it wont be a GB3. And theres not enough time to make it a GB3.
But I just have to think of a new name.


by Venkman

23 years, 2 months ago

Call it whatever, Spiff, you making the movie??? (smile) I wish i had friends like you man (I have friends but none that like gb more than me)

by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

Picky, picky, picky. Just giving suggestions.

Oh well. That's all in the past.

Marge: Why don't you have the colonel's wife save you?
Homer: Oh, come on, Marge! That was in the past! Just let it go!

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

allright men, send he url