My Huffy Bike

by BigMac

17 years, 3 months ago

I decided to wait till next spring before starting to restore this old beauty (1956 Huffy Mainliner) but now I’m starting to have second thoughts and wanted to ask some of you for your opinions.

You see I bought this bike from a person who was selling it on cragslist and when I first got it I was determined to repaint it and fix it all up but now I’m starting to think about keeping it all original like the paint and stuff.

I have done some work to it (Cleaned off the grease, steel wool off the rust, sanded some of the rust off kickstand) but now I’m starting to feel like leaving the rest the same.

Anyone here agree? I mean it’s a 56, classic!

by lordvego1

17 years, 3 months ago

peewee herman?

by secrecyguy

17 years, 3 months ago

What you got there is a classic. I was thinking that you got a really cheap Huffy bike but it's not.

But now these days, you can buy bikes that looks like the old classic ones.

Since you got it, I suggest just restoring it the way it used to be with the same colors.

by BigMac

17 years, 3 months ago

That’s what I was thinking, restore it but to the way it originally looked. But the paint and stuff is still in okay shape for being 51 years old so I don’t know if I really should repaint it.

Plus too I don’t know exactly what shade of red it is.

But even in the condition it’s in now it still turns heads :-)

People always call it the Peewee Herman bike but I never seen that movie so I don’t know what kind of bike that movie had.