I have been watching alot of the new ghost movies and shows like “Rose Red”, and “glorie days”, i was woundering if anyone would read a GB story in a more scary, darkend, Lovecraft type world. things liek the ghostbusters could find mangled bodies hanging fron the wood work type of thing. I want to do a story like this, and i wanted to know, would any one read it??
by RobertKnippels
23 years, 1 month ago
It would give us another different look at the ghostbusters stories. I am already bussy with a darker kind of ghostbusters comic ( ghostbusters 3 the final destruction ). The only problem with a darker story is that you will have a totally different audience.
Regards, Robert ( ghostbusters Holland )
by VincentBelmont
23 years ago
Huh. Looks like some people are catching on to the darker ghostbusters. Check out the BIO I have posted. In my Ghostbusters world, our GBs have a constant conflict with things like: “The Mythos of Cthulhu,” “The Illuminati organization,” “The Men in Black (Not the cool ones)”, the world of “Resident Evil”, “Silent Hill”, “Parasite Eve” and the like. We should talk sometime. Drop me a line.
23 years ago
im dropping you a line
by egonstwin10
23 years ago
I don't think that you could take a turn like that. It wouldn't be Ghostbusters anymore. They did a little stuff like that in GBll with the heads on sticks in the sewer. I didn't like it that much. It was little cheasy. But, I think it would be a little better if the did a little gorey things as to make it a little spicy. GBll was a little much.
“Like the time you tried to drill a hole through your head.” “ It would of worked if you hadn't of stopped me.”
by Edimasta
23 years ago
i am also doing a darker story in my GB 3 comic! I will have a darker future when the ghosts come back!
And i will introduce a Robot, that maybe contains the Brain from an old Ghostbuster (i think it will be EGON or VENKMAN) and he is now the robot and helping the new ghostbusters! How would this be?
If it is not a good idea i just do the robot as a machine for hard ghosts, and one of the new ghostbusters is “driving” him, or the robot has good AI!
What are you thinking about this?
23 years ago
Ghostbusters meet Cthulhu….i wounder what would happen…
by drugasbuster
23 years ago
well, i like dark gb stories…well, they catch ghosts, some of the stories have to be dark and spooky
by DrPeterVenkman
23 years ago
Hell crosses with Earth (Dana's fault…sort of) and demons torture human souls while the Ghostbusters have to find the head honcho and stop it. When they do each are tested and have to confront evil versions of themselves (or something).
Just a thought..
23 years ago
I was thinking of this idea a little more when i found my muse song, it's kinda funny but my muse was the song Devil Went dont to Georga. I know it kinda funny but, think about it something opens up in the ruel lands of georga and all the franchises band around to beat what ever comes out in the climax. This isnt saying that the whole thing would be in georga it would have to be in Virginia where my Fictional GBVA guys work. Just an evolving idea.