My ideal cast for new GB recruits.

by Psyche

15 years, 6 months ago

I think Cera plays the same character in everything. That's just my opinion. I love him in Arrested Development and Juno but feel he wouldn't bring anything to GB.

After seeing Inglourious B*****ds (I starred it just incase, even with the incorrect spelling, it would offend someone) I think B. J. Novak would be pretty good but I haven't seen him in anything else.

by ecto-21

15 years, 6 months ago

I think Cera plays the same character in everything. That's just my opinion. I love him in Arrested Development and Juno but feel he wouldn't bring anything to GB.

After seeing Inglourious B*****ds (I starred it just incase, even with the incorrect spelling, it would offend someone) I think B. J. Novak would be pretty good but I haven't seen him in anything else.

I have yet to see Inglourious Bastards, but every time I think of B.J. Novak I see him as Ryan from the Office, trying to weasel his way to the head of the company. imo he comes off as more of a Walter Peck, but I haven't seen his work other than the Office.

by cpm72586

15 years, 6 months ago

Frankly I don't like the idea of this whole new team thing, it just doesn't seem right to me. I could see bringing in one new recruit to help out the old Ghostbusters and they could even say at the end they're handing over the franchise to him or her and just let the audience take what they will from it, because I just don't think you can make another one after that with a brand new team minus the originals. It just wouldn't be Ghostbusters.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 6 months ago

Personally, I would like to see people on the less ‘wacky’ end of the comedy spectrum. Older actors would be good too, not like, ancient but maybe with a late 30's look about them.

I think I'd like to see Ben Stiller as a Ghostbuster, maybe Vince Vaugn ala Jurassic Park 2, it would be great to see Simon Pegg as a Ghostbuster too.

I would say I dont want to see Seth Rogan or Jim Carrey or anyone else, but honestly, I think it's just because I associate so many of todays comedy actors with endless sex and fart jokes. As long as the script is good, I think it wouldn't matter too much.

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

I think I've worked out why I'm so against new blood/teams being introduced to Ghostbusters, I think it's because I don't think they'd be anywhere near as good or endearing as the fanfic teams which have cropped up over the years…

by Popey

15 years, 6 months ago

I think I've worked out why I'm so against new blood/teams being introduced to Ghostbusters, I think it's because I don't think they'd be anywhere near as good or endearing as the fanfic teams which have cropped up over the years…

also your not in it!:-)

by GBSales

15 years, 6 months ago

1) Paulo Costanzo
2) Zach Galifianakis
3) Ryan Reynolds
4) BD Wong

I was thinking about this and there are so many people that could play similar personalities. I cant wait and just hope this movie gets made. I didnt even use people from any of the crew like owen wilson, vince vaugn, ben stiller, jack black etc. If the roight people are shosen it would be amazing to see them wih the original 4 taking up the mantle…

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 6 months ago

Here's an idea: go the “Watchmen” route and cast stars with very little, but important credentials as the new team. That way you can focus on the old guys and not having to be worrying about the young'uns.

by Popey

15 years, 6 months ago

Christian Bale, cause he can do anything…

Ellen Page, wouldnt be to bad, but thats it from those lot of people, NO Cera NO rogan NO hill. Ryan Reynolds wouldnt be to bad either, but what little respect i had for him left after the bastardization of deadpool, but i dont think that was his fault

Here's an idea: go the “Watchmen” route and cast stars with very little, but important credentials as the new team. That way you can focus on the old guys and not having to be worrying about the young'uns.

i like that thinking

by venkman3

15 years, 6 months ago

Okay, I've given this one A LOT of thought.
Seth Rogen
(Because I know he has mountains of respect for the GB franchise and could be Peters protege)

Amanda Peet or Jordanna Brewster
(Either one could play Janine's daughter)

Jensen Ackles

(Three reasons 1. Hes an amazing actor and 2. I'm kinda related to him and 3. He's already battling ONE apocalypse in SUPERNATURAL, why not throw him into another one?)

Kick Gurry

(To add a foreign aspect, kinda like Pavel Karnov in ROTGB)

And either Clayton Watson (“Kid” in the Matrix trilogy) or Myself (as Dana's son Oscar.) I know its a little pompous and self serving to say that. But, hey, when I was growing up I was told that baby Oscar and baby me looked a lot alike. Thoughts?