My ideal cast for new GB recruits.

by Goblin

15 years, 5 months ago

It will be cool if Shia LaBeuf will be one of the recruits.

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

Just because it's supposed to be a new and younger look for the recruits does not mean Micheal Cera who portrays high school aged characters would work. I personally don't like the guy… or Shia Lebouf.

I like the Matt Leblanc idea, but why stop there? Wouldn't David Schwimmer make a hilarious goofball type character for Venkman to push around and send for coffee? Wouldn't Matthew Perry be… okay, can't think of anything for Matthew Perry. Sorry, Chandler.

Wish I could say Bruce Campbell would be awesome in a Ghostbusters movie… but I'd just be kidding myself. He's cool, but not right for GB.

I think Hugo Weaving should team up with William Atherton to harass the Gb's, that'd be cool. I mean, picture him as some bullshit celebrity psychic who takes himself too seriously and never lets down the act. He starts a campaign against the ghostbusters and Peck uses him as a front man in ruining the Gb's reputation.

Also, just a thought, John Cusack… I let you guys mull that one over.

by Goblin

15 years, 5 months ago

Just because it's supposed to be a new and younger look for the recruits does not mean Micheal Cera who portrays high school aged characters would work. I personally don't like the guy… or Shia Lebouf.

What´s wrong with him?

He is a great actor,you saw him at Transformers and like Indiana´s son,and he´s doing great.
Shia´s a very normal guy,and the one you can iddentify so much,I think he will be the perfect Ghostbuster recruit.

Anyway,I don´t like Michael Cera,I agree that with you.

by Kojak

15 years, 5 months ago

I've only seen him in bad movies, so I don't want him involved with Ghostbuster 3.

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

Whats wrong with him?

Sure, I've seen him in transformers… running around and screaming “BUMBLEBEEEE!!!” or “NOOOOOO!!!” or “OPTIMUS!!!!!!”… so yeah, that really doesn't inspire me to think of Shia as a new recruit.

Sure I saw him in Indy 4… constantly making “old man” jokes towards Indy and trying too hard to be a tough guy… not exactly inspiring me to want to see him on screen with Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd.

So no Shia Lebouf, please.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 5 months ago

Vote for Steve Carell for Ghostbuster

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

Vote for Steve Carell for Ghostbuster
It'd be hilarious to see him and Rick Moranis being the goofy pencil-pushers around the office.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 5 months ago


I want him with a proton pack in a not so silly character

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago


I want him with a proton pack in a not so silly character

And I want a 1971 Barracuda, but you don't see me getting huffy if people don't share my visions.

by Nate-GhostbusterLord

15 years, 5 months ago

apparently the fans are split between having a full team of recruits and having as little recruits as possible. I think the solution to that problem should be they have the original four and Oscar. at the end of the movie they pass the torch to Oscar and allow him to create the new team. thats the movie I want to see. and as far as I can tell everyone ends up satisfied with that scenario. I would much rather see that then a random assortment of actors carrying around unlicensed nuclear accelerators. we don't just want Ghostbusters, we want the Ghostbusters. that means the original four guys back for one final ride.