My ideas for GB III

by venkman691

19 years, 9 months ago

That's cool, but I've never read that. Plus in mine the Ghostbusters would have to discredit the Spook Catchers(Spectre Rejectors), since they would technically have re-cornered the ghost catching market. In the end the media tycoon is revealed to have been the reason for a rise in paranormal activity and in cahoots with the main ghost villain, like Gozer and Vego. But I would be cool for the main ghost villain to be some dead celebrity, back to regain the spotlight. I see Christopher Walken playing the evil media tycoon.

by venky1

19 years, 9 months ago

venkman, i am also working on my own gb3 idea, and i was surprised to see that you have a rival group as well. i have one too, the better busters (im lazy). although we share that idea, the way in which we approach it is completely different. i like how you plan on takin advantage of the reality craze, but i have to warn you, it strays from the original ghostbusters feel. part of the magic and rewatchablility of the first is that it doesnt place itself in the time period. it doesnt mock the current events and is still hilarious. what im saying is, by the time your movie would be made, the reality tv craze will be over, and then a few years later no one will identify, then you lose the essence of the ghostbusters. but i do appreciate your originality of the ideas, and you should keep working on them. good luck.

by Mallory-Mike

19 years, 9 months ago

Just a quick update: Here's a picture of Rockwell:

Also, I'll be busy for the next few weeks completing my last few exams. I promise to write a page or two everyday, so I can get a first draft out to anyone who wants to read it.

by venkman691

19 years, 9 months ago

Well Venky thanks for your opinions. But Ghostbusters very much places itself by making the EPA the villain in the first film, and we can all see how obviously the second film places itself. Either way it has alway been my opinion that these types of films are not plot driven, but character driven, as I think I had mentioned before, so plot points can be weak, strong, or dated, in most comedies, outside of satire, it really doesn't matter. Did the plot matter in any of the Marx Bros. movies?

by Kingpin

19 years, 9 months ago

You can't compare Marx Bros films to Ghostbusters (Or films similar to), that's two different periods, let alone styles.

Improv, while bring up some great stuff, is very dependant on the people who use it, we know Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis are good when they do it, but it's not always pulled off perfectly by everyone.

Mallory Mike, all I can suggest, is write what you feel fits best, it's not like a you'll have millions of cinema audience who might not like it.

Anyway, goodluck with it, and personally, I thought that scene with Egon and his Ardith was nice, as it was probably a isolated bit of sympathy in probably a story which a majority of is humour driven.

by venkman691

19 years, 9 months ago

Kingpin I think you can very much compare the two, and should. The Marx Bros. we very much ahead of their time and yet not much has changed. Jokes are jokes. If you rewatch some of their better stuff you would see why I make the comparison.

by venky1

19 years, 9 months ago

kingpin, have you ever written a gb3 story or a fanfic? you seem to have a very good grasp on what is necessary for one, and you should if you havent. but if you have, id love to read it.

and mal, your style of drawing the characters is really working with the story i think. keep it up.

by Kingpin

19 years, 9 months ago

Marx may be ahead of it's time, but I still can't compare it to Ghostbusters, Marx has a lot of slapstick from what I've seen, and Ghostbusters only really bares similarity with the clever use of the written word.

Venky: In actual fact, for a few years I've entertained some semi-baked ideas for a script/fic for Ghostbusters, the first being based on a possible return of Vigo…however…there's an idea centering around a character closer to home in RGB lore that I've considered for a while…and you know what? I'll give it a go, and I haven't seen many scripts with this character.

And it's not Samhain, although, M. Scott's Ghostbusters III and IV scripts are well worth a read.

by matthew1

19 years, 9 months ago

Love those ideas. I don't know about you but its been pretty hard coming up with a storyline which is both original, interesting and funny.

I've been working on a Ghostbusters 3 script on and off for almost five weeks now. I started it in the thread entitled “Ghostbusters 3 - an Idea”. I've done around sixty pages. So far I'm pretty pleased with it. I think I'll be another few weeks. It will probably be about 120 pages. I'll post it when I'm done and completely satisfied with it.

This one has a surprising twist near the end. I won't spoil it.

by Kingpin

19 years, 9 months ago

That's great to hear Matthew, really looking forward to seeing it.

Venky, just to let you know, so far the story I plan to write (Started it last night) is entitled Ghostbusters - City that never sleeps.