Haha, Thanks Adam. While I never really intended this to be a conclusive guide to the paranormal (can there even be a conclusive guide to the paranormal?) I was aiming more for the Zombie Survival Guide, kinda vibe, just lightly touching on some of the core issues and the storys of the monsters, while keeping tounge firmly in cheek.
I'm getting my information from a variety of sources, websites, books, shaking down old people, ect. ect. While I'll never straight up make up a story about a monster, I sometimes have to embellish a little bit, otherwise most of the entrys would be ALOT shorter. Sometimes you get something like Lilith, which could easily fill pages and pages, and sometimes you get a spirit like the banshee who barely fills a paragraph. Thats just the way some folk tales are. Again, I want to keep focused on the actual monsters, and not the fact's behind the fiction. (thats a whole other book!)
I too noticed that a majority of these monsters love to gobble up the kids, I'm guessing it's because a majority of these storys where told as cautionary tales to children. And what scares kids more then a slow and painfull death? Or maybe kids are just yummy? That being said, I never really intended the book for children, but it's the kinda book I would have loved as a child.
Anyway, thanks again for your comments Adam, I appreciate them and have taken them into consideration.