You read right. Today I interviewed Dan Aykroyd after winning a contest from the Johnny B show here in Chicago. I got an e-mail from my Mom saying I had to leave school and get to a land-line phone. It airs tomorrow. Anyway, we talked for a good 30 minutes which I know will be edited down, but it was the best 30 minutes of my life. We talked about his father's book and the paranormal in general. Then of course, I got to ask about Ghostbusters III. Sure he always gets asked, but how many of you could resist? I asked him about the script, he said he and Harold are taking the script and making it their own. He said they need to add the vernacular and changing it a bit. He also said that the new film will be cast based on merits, not names. He also talked about how this is closer then this film has even been. Not much new, but he did say both he, Harold, and Ivan Reitman HAVE a copy of the script and have read it. They all like it, but need to make some changes. As a fanboy, I could never dreamed of this. Sure, I met him at a crowded Binny's with hundreds of people, but being on the phone (and it was just me and Him, the radio station recorded it) with just him was one of, if no, the greatest experience of my life.