You're the first person to even consider/suggest that as an issue, and only after the delay possibility surfaced… Nobody seemed to mind the possibility of ‘oversaturating the market’ when it was still a concrete October release.
Frankly, that suggestion just sounds like poor justification:
“Oh, they could've released the game in October, but releasing it in June means they're not oversaturating the market.”
And I know you're better than resorting to that, Ron.
You are not looking at it from the corporate “let's maxamize profits” point of view. It's not poor justification, it's a tried and true marketing strategy.
I sense that you are taking my posts in the wrong way. I'm not saying this is how I may or may not feel, but playing Devil's Advocate to try and explain why some of these things may come to pass.
I mean, it makes perfect sense for Activision to not publish now if they have another title that is targeted to the same demographic. People will be torn about which to buy, and both capture less sales overall. A lot of the facts behind this are all pretty non-existant though. No one even has a clue when this thing is coming out yet, but everyone is already in an uproar ready to behead companies - but no one is interested in thinking that maybe something good will come of all this.
Are we that pessimistic? I refrain from all the Ghostbusters II references I could insert here about bad vibes. But seriously guys, can't we just hope for the best?