My new idea! Brace yourselves....

by class10specter

23 years, 3 months ago

I think Specter has good humor and adds to this community. So all you dicks quit saying his stuff isnt funny and dont be so sour.Keep up the good cheer Specter! thanks and get back to me on the novel have a nice thanksgiving and a good merry Christmas to Specter and to the dick lol yikes

by Specter

23 years, 3 months ago

LOL! Thanks! I love to have fun. And I'll look at your Novel idea!

by SavannahGB

23 years, 3 months ago

Just because i dont like one running gag doesnt mean i dont think a person isnt funny. It means i dont think the gag is funny. I didnt say i think Specter isnt funny. He probably is. Im sure your a great guy Specter, and i hope to be friends with you. I just think that running gag is damn annoying. I didnt like that running gag that Cherri Oteri on the newer SNL did with the whole “SIMMER DOWN NOW!” bit.(if you dont know what im talking about, watch the SNL reruns on Comedy central at 630 weeknights, im sure they air an episode that shows one of the skits she did it it, as a redhead working behind some kind of counter telling every customer who wants something to SIMMER DOWN NOW!) That was damn annoying. Im not saying i dont like her, i just dont like that gag. I dont think the idea of reinventing something thats already been done is funny. oh funny, hahahah. Now i could go on forever telling you what i think is funny, but i dont want to waste so much time about it. Specter, your probably funny. That joke wasnt to me. Thats all im saying. Sorry i pissed you off with my opinion, but thats how i felt about it.

And Class10specter, lighten up. Are you saying just cause i dont like a joke put on this MB that im a dick? In that case,….nah, im not goin to say it. This is a “free” country, but im sure your imagination would supply something even worse that what i had in mind and a big feud would get started that would make the topic (Ecto-1 vs Ecto-1a where me and Bo and Hacksaw got in a big fight over the two GB movies) look like a camping trip. So i wont say it. Just lighten up. I dont think it was funny. You do. I dont care. no need to resort to name calling. Juvenilles do that, not civilized people. Come and eat at the table with silverware instead of on the floor with your fingers. Dont sink that low again, please.

by SavannahGB

23 years, 3 months ago

just one more quick thing Class10…if you dont like something, at least present it with well thought out and worded arguement instead of “Hey f- you and go f- yourself, etc.” Thats not an arguement. You last post seemed very close to that kind of arguement that is usually seen on low quality programing such as Jerry Springer. Here on GBN, try for a little bit more quality than that type of arguing. Make it interesting and persuasive instead of something to just aggrivate the other party. Just a thought, take it if you want, but remember, we're civilized on this board…at least, we're supposed to be. Im not trying to piss you off, even though it seemed like you were trying to piss me off with your last post. So i dont hold a grudge…yet anyway.

by Specter

23 years, 3 months ago

Simma down now, simma down..

just kidding.

It's all good man, don't worry about it. There will be other, better jokes in the future.

oh well, I had fun for the first few and then it got repetative. The thing with jokes is, everything old is new again, and what's been done, hasn't by a new generation. Which is why I am sure that to some, this bit might have been a little funny.

But, let's let this whole thing go, and try not to turn it into a war. We're all Ghostbusters fans here, and we all know how few there are, so let's stop the hate. peace.

by Slimee

23 years, 3 months ago

calling on a giant ghost?