My opinion on Ghostbusters III

by EgonSpenglerfangirl

15 years, 4 months ago

Well, here is my opinion on Ghostbusters III.
I'm a HUGE Ghostbusters fan but I really think its a bit too late to be making Ghostbusters III. I'm not saying they shouldn't make it but I'm just doubting it. I mean aren't the actors pretty old by now. Well age doesn't really mean anything I guess. just feels… odd.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 4 months ago

You just totally contradicted yourself within that statement.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 4 months ago

Personally, I don’t like it. I mean, I will end up going to see it if one gets released, I just think, personally, any attempt to make Ghostbusters III after so long would be a bad idea.

I will not go into rationalization for why I believe that since all of the reasons have been stated by various posters over various threads…

by gbfan11

15 years, 4 months ago

I'm going to reserve most of my opinions on another movie untill after I see another movie. I expect it to be atleast as good as GB2, then I will be happy.

by fusi0n1

15 years, 4 months ago

Nothing's ever too late.

However, nothing can top the original. As long as it involves the same characters, horror/science mixed with comedy. I'm there.

If anything, it's just the right time to show these other so-called “comedies” these days. How a comedy is done without rude/crudeness… overuse of vulgarity and swear words every sentence, and outrageous/sick situations…

And c'mon, how can you not be excited about this image? Sure they're scientists, but imagine a younger breed are too trigger-happy, selfish and arrogant to do the job. So then they have to step in, and we see four old, overweight and completely out of their comfort zone chasing after ghosts for old time's sake? Oh yeah!
(Credit to the original author who I can only assume is named Tim from these boards. May even be Gh0stbusters from the 3D logo)

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 4 months ago

I see EgonSpenglerfangirl's point of view and it is not contradictory. We love the fab 4 in the suits and the packs, but now they are older. Harold Ramis is heavy set, I am to NOT making fun of him, and Murray has aged (Seeing him in Zombieland). Aykroyd and Hudson aren't that old, but all in all the “look and feel” of the GB's isnt' there if you look at them now, that is life. To late? It might just be, who knows. I will hold my opinion till I see it.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 4 months ago

I see EgonSpenglerfangirl's point of view and it is not contradictory. We love the fab 4 in the suits and the packs, but now they are older. Harold Ramis is heavy set, I am to NOT making fun of him, and Murray has aged (Seeing him in Zombieland). Aykroyd and Hudson aren't that old, but all in all the “look and feel” of the GB's isnt' there if you look at them now, that is life. To late? It might just be, who knows. I will hold my opinion till I see it.

Well yes, they've all aged, everyone realizes that.

But yes, EgonSpenglerfangirl contradicted herself a bunch of times in her original statement.

“I really think its a bit too late to be making Ghostbusters III.” then “I'm not saying they shouldn't make it”

“I mean aren't the actors pretty old by now.” then “Well age doesn't really mean anything I guess.”

These statements very clearly contradict each other. It was like fangirl wanted to express an opinion but was too worried about offending someone that she didn't just pick a statement and stick with it.

Myself? I think Ghostbusters III could be great if its done right, and that's the only way I want to see it. I don't want to see Ghostbusters III made just to see it made. I want to see a good story, that adds to the franchise and expands it. I don't want to see some crapfest with a Ghostbusters logo stamped on it just to make money.

by fusi0n1

15 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;156480
I want to see a good story, that adds to the franchise and expands it. I don't want to see some crapfest with a Ghostbusters logo stamped on it just to make money.

Yes, I whole-heartedly agree with this.

I don't want the big wigs looking at this with dollar signs in their eyes (well, not as much as they used when they did GB2 anyway) But just to make a nice entertaining movie that as Doc Venkman says, adds to the GB universe.

by slimer3881

15 years, 4 months ago

if it hits all the right spots, it can be better than GB2, and that alone is better than any comedy that's come out in the last few years.

From Harold and Ivan's comments, i think they're going for making a good movie, other than a cash in, maybe thats what sony wants, but its too delicate a franchise for them to mess with the creators.

it isnt gonna be a masterpeice like GB1, but alll i need from it is for it to have a solid plot, enjoy the special effects of all the goofy ghosts, and most important of all, make me laugh.

So what if Bill Murray, ‘has aged’ and when i saw, Zombieland, the entire theater roared with laughter when Bill Murray came on screen, which proves you're never too old for comedy.

by EgonSpenglerfangirl

15 years, 4 months ago

You just totally contradicted yourself within that statement.

I did?
Oh well