My own GB3 can and shall be done.

by sparksmovies

23 years, 2 months ago

OK…so it won't have hundreds of extras…and the original cast will be nowhere in site save for a few references, but I've decided… IM DONG A GHOSTBUSTERS 3!!! Well, to be more realistic and down to earth, I'm doing a spinoff, which can be construed as GB3. The plot, so far as I've imagined, will revolve around 4 aspiring ghostbusters staking their business claim in a small college town. Spooks are a'brewin, dorms, sorrorities and frats are in chaos…so who ya gonna call? smile Now, I realize of course that it would make much more sense and be infinitely cooler to deal with the original Ghostbusters, and have the story take place in NY… but as a filmmaker, the first thing you learn is that you must make use of whats readily available to you…and the original cast of GB and NYC are nowhere NEAR available smile So the lot of you waiting to see some new ghostbusting will have to learn to embrace new characters smile The tone of the film will mirror the original's as much as possible, relying heavily on witty comedy, good chemistry in the love subplot, a MAMMOTH climax, and making the unbelievable believable! The story takes place in the same universe as the original films, so expect alot of the same rules to apply, and lots of references to the first 2 GB flicks. Don't worry…this won't be an insult to the Ghosbusters name, it WILL fit snuggly into the Ghostbusters timeline and universe, I PROMISE smile I'll post the script as soon as it's completed…other than that, check out our production companie's website at
There you can download the trailer to our homage to “Die Hard”, entitled ZERO HOUR. Might give you an idea as to what we were capable of a year ago and working with NO budget. Hope to post again soon smile


by Venkman

23 years, 2 months ago

Power to ya bro

by TheGuard

23 years, 2 months ago

And…the ghosts? The special effects?

by ghostbuddy

23 years, 2 months ago

I support that idea 100%. In fact I've had the same idea about making my own GB3: I've worked out how to make it (with the right computer equipment for special effects), and I've also been developing a storyline. All I need is a cast (I already have a few people interested). The music can easily be sorted. My movie would be a spin-off too. It will take a lot of time, more planning and probably won't be finished for a long time, but I'm sure I could do my best to get something done. No promises though.

Good luck with yours. It should be good.

by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

Yes, how will you go about making ghosts and so-forth?

Once you get that covered, it sounds like a good idea.

by sg1star

23 years, 2 months ago

i never did the real life movie thing, main reason i did not do a live movie is cuz it cost too much to do,and involves to much time, plus you have ppl to deal with, you may have wat it takes to go on but if one your cast members decides not 2 when your 1/4 way done shooting, it suxs, so i just went on with my 3d internet series, “ghostbusters the next generation” where i dont have to wrorry about a actor walking out on me, and i dont have to worry about setting up sets, and or it costing me more money then i have, plus i can work on it when ever i want, which is a good point seeing i have insomia, lol


23 years, 2 months ago

Do it man!

by sparksmovies

23 years, 2 months ago

As far as the special effects, traditional frame by frame rotoscoping will be used to create the proton streams and other animated effects. I've had a GOOD deal of experience with that route of animation. As far as the ghosts and creatures: I've already spoken the fx company I dealt with for my last few features. A small amount of the creature fx will be created from latex/foam-rubber, enhanced with CGI to animate them and bring them to life. Other creatures and ghosts, will be entirely CG, such as the big baddy at the end. I have access to some VERY talented computer gfx artists who would be more than willing to do the fx for my film smileHope this helps. I'll post a working copy of the script in a day or so when the first few scenes are done smile

by Maverick

23 years, 2 months ago

Go for it man, you have the support of the Mav Man. Prove to the community, unlike some in the past, that this can be done.


by Specter

23 years, 2 months ago

Fantastic! smile