OK…so it won't have hundreds of extras…and the original cast will be nowhere in site save for a few references, but I've decided… IM DONG A GHOSTBUSTERS 3!!! Well, to be more realistic and down to earth, I'm doing a spinoff, which can be construed as GB3. The plot, so far as I've imagined, will revolve around 4 aspiring ghostbusters staking their business claim in a small college town. Spooks are a'brewin, dorms, sorrorities and frats are in chaos…so who ya gonna call?

Now, I realize of course that it would make much more sense and be infinitely cooler to deal with the original Ghostbusters, and have the story take place in NY… but as a filmmaker, the first thing you learn is that you must make use of whats readily available to you…and the original cast of GB and NYC are nowhere NEAR available

So the lot of you waiting to see some new ghostbusting will have to learn to embrace new characters

The tone of the film will mirror the original's as much as possible, relying heavily on witty comedy, good chemistry in the love subplot, a MAMMOTH climax, and making the unbelievable believable! The story takes place in the same universe as the original films, so expect alot of the same rules to apply, and lots of references to the first 2 GB flicks. Don't worry…this won't be an insult to the Ghosbusters name, it WILL fit snuggly into the Ghostbusters timeline and universe, I PROMISE

I'll post the script as soon as it's completed…other than that, check out our production companie's website at
http://go.to/enigmapicturesThere you can download the trailer to our homage to “Die Hard”, entitled ZERO HOUR. Might give you an idea as to what we were capable of a year ago and working with NO budget. Hope to post again soon
