My own GB3 can and shall be done.

by Venkman

23 years, 2 months ago

Special Effects are not hard, just time-consuming, me and my friends a couple years ago made a star wars fan film. It was around 35 min. It had 12 min of special effects. I was the special effects man, i used photoshop and imovie to do all the special effects: get this:

30 Frames/Sec

12 Min=720 sec

720sec * 30 frames/sec

=21600 frames, thats exporting each frame into photoshop and putting a effect on each frame, took me 2 months

by sparksmovies

23 years, 2 months ago

Yea, special effects sure do consume a good deal of time. I imagine post-production on this movie will take at least 3 or 4 months, depending on my work schedule. And yea…rotoscoping lightsabers is a MAJOR hassle. A 40 second fight sequence took my 3 days to complete. Crazy stuff folks.


by Specter

23 years, 2 months ago

I know what you mean. I am making a movie right now and it's taking forever:


23 years, 2 months ago

hey sparkmovies i was woundering if you could email me at i may have a big idea for you in this and i may be able to akt i am very good anyways let me know if you do have some ideas for ghostto but i cant say here mite roon it for everyone

by dandaman8

23 years, 2 months ago

I wrote a whole script for gb3 back in the third grade… a whole 9 years ago. I thought it was brilliant. Dana would become a teacher.. teaching band and art.. and the school would be wrought with ghosts. her kid goes to the school, the principle gets possesed, ends with egon giving a presentation on parapsychology. It fit so well. The kids would be taught how to bust.. and save the guys last second. Oh well.. its in the past now.

by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

Yes … that sounds like a third-grade concept, all right…

And now, to comment on the subject at hand:

Ah. Well, it sounds like you have everything covered, so I have just one more request: give us a projection on when this will be finished. Next year? Later this year? That kind of thing.

by sparksmovies

23 years, 2 months ago

To be realistic, the movie won't be completed and available for all your viewing pleasures until at least next christmas. BUT…that doesn't mean the time won't be well spent…nor does it mean any of you should expect me to dissapear from the boards in a month. I will be setting up a URL to post FX tests (some of which are already completed and ready to upload) as well as production pics and conceptual drawings. I don't want to reveal too much yet… but things are looking very good smile Visit our last movie at ZERO HOUR is the name of the flick…check it out.