My pack progress

by HippieTrooper

17 years, 1 month ago

Hey everyone, just started the motherboard on my pack. You can see me working on it live at
Ill continue to update and whenever I go to broadcast myself working, Ill let you guys know!

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago

$9.95 a minute for private building sessions!


by HippieTrooper

17 years, 1 month ago

$9.95 a minute for private building sessions!


Ill be on today working on my cyclotron.
BTW, it's free to watch and chat

by HippieTrooper

17 years, 1 month ago

OK so for those that havent been watching, I figured I'd post my progress so far. I've been using Norm's tutorial this far, but will be implementing some of Venkman 71's in the next steps.


Beginning the Spacer:

Spacer access hole cut out and first application of bondo:

Bondo sanded, edges caulked and primer:

Next step, cyclotron:

Im really happy with the proress so far, I hope that the end result turns out as good as I think this has to this point.
LMK what you guys think.

by HippieTrooper

17 years, 1 month ago

Mostly cleaning up here and there, but still making a little progress:

And dont forget to check in at and see me working on the pack live!

by EctoGT

17 years, 1 month ago

how do I see these videos not live? Id like to know! lol
Ive been trying to build, but it just hasnt been workin out right, you might be able to help man

by HippieTrooper

17 years, 1 month ago

The video ONLY works live, if you go to the site and Im not broadcasting, youll see a message saying not broadcasting, you'll still be able to use the chat, and you can search the archives for past video.
Ill be on today during the day until about 4pm, so check in during the day.

by xander

17 years ago

U can see a users last brodcast by going to his/her archive.

here's Hippie Troopers

by HippieTrooper

16 years, 10 months ago

OK, I scrapped that pack and started a whole new one, its mostly done, now I need to make the gun. I also went ahead and made some ecto-goggles. Really easy project, only cost around $15 and put them together in about 30 minutes.
I Also, got a new, better fitting jumpsuit. Im hoping to debut this on Sunday at the Tampa Toy show and get some good pics of the whole thing. In the mean time, here's the goggles….

…and the pack…

Still needs some minor work like painting the filter and correct ribbon cable, Im hoping to debut this weekend.
Input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!