21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
“This Board was given to you by a great man, but he never tried to take it back. You gave this board to a group of individuals, but took it back. You didn't even tell them what was going on.”
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
I don't feel it my role to defend or sway the opinions of others that differ from my own on this board, and Ron and I have discussed this topic at some length. I'm a neutral in all of this, I see arguements from both sides and refuse to take a part in either of them.
21 years, 7 months ago
Dear Mr. Paulson,
I believe the best way for you to help the community, is to do as you said you were and leave.
Instead, we were lied too. You said you passed the torch, yet you return and grab it back. You said GBN was gone, now it has returned.
In the past, we've had our problems. Yet, I always accepted your apology or we mutually forgave each other. Now however, I feel as if not only I, but the whole community has been slapped in the face.
This Board was given to you by a great man, but he never tried to take it back. You gave this board to a group of individuals, but took it back. You didn't even tell them what was going on.
Since GBN closed, this COMMUNITY has been operating rather smoothly. Granted there were a few small instances, but there just as many on GBN.
You claim now you are helping the community, yet you've shooken us up once and are now doing it again.
It is imperative that you relinquesh control of the board. Give the torch back.
A little over 2 years ago, I looked up to you. In my eyes you were a Great man. Now, all I see is a deceiver. My Suggestion, is to leave like you said you were.
21 years, 7 months ago
Also for very important reasons which I cannot disclose, I had to come back and set a few things straight before this board became history via cease and desist
21 years, 7 months ago
21 years, 7 months ago
That is the very reason you have to give up control. For some reason, with you it's always smoke and mirrors, Chad. You can delete three months worth of posts and not give us a reason.
Besides that, just because this board is installed on your server, doesn't make it yours. It belongs to the three people you gave it to, and it was awfully nice of you to allow them to host it here, temporarily. Unfortunately, now we see your true reasons for letting them host it here.
Just because you invited me into your house, doesn't give you the right to steal my wallet.
21 years, 7 months ago