My Suggestion.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Dear Mr. Paulson,

I believe the best way for you to help the community, is to do as you said you were and leave.

Instead, we were lied too. You said you passed the torch, yet you return and grab it back. You said GBN was gone, now it has returned.

In the past, we've had our problems. Yet, I always accepted your apology or we mutually forgave each other. Now however, I feel as if not only I, but the whole community has been slapped in the face.

This Board was given to you by a great man, but he never tried to take it back. You gave this board to a group of individuals, but took it back. You didn't even tell them what was going on.

Since GBN closed, this COMMUNITY has been operating rather smoothly. Granted there were a few small instances, but there just as many on GBN.

You claim now you are helping the community, yet you've shooken us up once and are now doing it again.

It is imperative that you relinquesh control of the board. Give the torch back.

A little over 2 years ago, I looked up to you. In my eyes you were a Great man. Now, all I see is a deceiver. My Suggestion, is to leave like you said you were.

Ronald Edward Daniels

by soulwrangler1

21 years, 7 months ago

I don't feel its my role to defend or sway the opinions of others that differ from my own on this board, and Ron and I have discussed this topic at some length. I'm a neutral in all of this, I see arguements from both sides and refuse to take a part in either of them.

That being said, I feel I must disagree with one thing being said by Ron and others as an arguement;

“This Board was given to you by a great man, but he never tried to take it back. You gave this board to a group of individuals, but took it back. You didn't even tell them what was going on.”

When Bill left, and I was around when it happened, he wasn't being slandered against. He didn't have a hate campaign going after him. He gave it up on his own accord, he wanted to move on to better things in life then a ghostbusters message board. When Chad passed the torch, he was under heavy fire from people on other boards and people from his own site. He gave it up for the best of the community at the time, and now I can understand why he'd want to be a part of this community again.

The man was forced to give the site up, and like it or not he has worked hard on it. Not as hard as some of us would've appreciated, but there is a reason it was known as one of the best GB fansites on the net.

What some of you aren't fully realizing is that Chad is offering something to us, the chance to create. Free. No cost for hosting, no techno worries for those of us that don't know jack about anything html-y. He is giving back to the community, and he is offering us choices and giving us chances to build a stronger one then prior.

But this is just my view, and my opinion. Nothing more, nothing less.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

as he told us in a chat, he took it bacc cuz he dident like the way things were being run they were not being run his way. he dident like the mod chocies we made, nor did he like that we disabled tex for a admin for 2 weeks, and as i stated befor the reason we did that is cuz he was abousing his powers and excuse us if we think no one is above the law.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Chad claimed he was going on with his life. He has claimed he was going to change rules MANY times back on GBN. It never happened. I'm tired of being lied too, and I'm tired of empty promises.

Even though we're getting new mods, Chad will be the Admin. For all intents and purposes, it's his site. He has the ability to ban people just like before. I don't object to him being apart of the community, I object to him lieing to us and taking control of the community.

by ajquick1

21 years, 7 months ago

I don't feel it my role to defend or sway the opinions of others that differ from my own on this board, and Ron and I have discussed this topic at some length. I'm a neutral in all of this, I see arguements from both sides and refuse to take a part in either of them.

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

Dear Mr. Paulson,

I believe the best way for you to help the community, is to do as you said you were and leave.

Instead, we were lied too. You said you passed the torch, yet you return and grab it back. You said GBN was gone, now it has returned.

I fail to see how I lied. I said I was taking it down, I took it down. I thought about things, other things took place which made me rethink the outcome of my decision and I ultimately changed my mind. Therefore, I told the folks the content is coming back and I brought it back. Nowhere in there did I “lie”. Another way of saying it is, the whole group of actions was not a precalculated set of events.

In the past, we've had our problems. Yet, I always accepted your apology or we mutually forgave each other. Now however, I feel as if not only I, but the whole community has been slapped in the face.

I'm sorry you feel this way. I think it would be good of you to cite specific reasons you feel personally slighted because GBN is back, a website you claimed to have enjoyed in the past. That would help put things in perspective to me.

This Board was given to you by a great man, but he never tried to take it back. You gave this board to a group of individuals, but took it back. You didn't even tell them what was going on.

The board was handed down to me from Bill Emkow, indeed a great individual. I handed down this board to 3 individuals, not 2. I refuse to go into detail because it is nobody's business, but that situation did not work out. Also for very important reasons which I cannot disclose, I had to come back and set a few things straight before this board became history via cease and desist.

Since GBN closed, this COMMUNITY has been operating rather smoothly. Granted there were a few small instances, but there just as many on GBN.

I never said it wasn't from the outside. At the same time, I see no reason why it shouldn't remain so.

You claim now you are helping the community, yet you've shooken us up once and are now doing it again.

Please cite specific examples besides coming back to a forum which I host, maintain, and installed on my server. I am here to simply be the invisible hand of the community. Helping guide and distribute the wants and needs of the majority and making that the platform in which people communicate within the community.

It is imperative that you relinquesh control of the board. Give the torch back.

Because….? Please complete the thought.

A little over 2 years ago, I looked up to you. In my eyes you were a Great man. Now, all I see is a deceiver. My Suggestion, is to leave like you said you were.

I'm not here for popularity contest, or because I have nothing else better to do. I have a business to run and a large open source project with national attention to maintain. I am also working on finishing my degree in the fall. That said, I am here to help this community grow strong. I do not have an agenda of my own and have not pushed one since coming back. You fail to have substance behind your wants and needs. What I am getting from you, among others who share your viewpoint, is that you want me gone “just because”.

On a seperate note, thank you for taking this political thread into the Board Suggestion forum.

by Dahcs

21 years, 7 months ago

Also for very important reasons which I cannot disclose, I had to come back and set a few things straight before this board became history via cease and desist

That is the very reason you have to give up control. For some reason, with you it's always smoke and mirrors, Chad. You can delete three months worth of posts and not give us a reason.

Besides that, just because this board is installed on your server, doesn't make it yours. It belongs to the three people you gave it to, and it was awfully nice of you to allow them to host it here, temporarily. Unfortunately, now we see your true reasons for letting them host it here.

Just because you invited me into your house, doesn't give you the right to steal my wallet.

by Dahcs

21 years, 7 months ago

Is it now? See, how come people can post the same things on other boards without cease and desist orders?

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

That is the very reason you have to give up control. For some reason, with you it's always smoke and mirrors, Chad. You can delete three months worth of posts and not give us a reason.

Don't shoot the messenger pal. This is way above and beyond my control. If you want this website gone, that's your decision. I, however, do not. And no, this is not why I have to give up control. If I didn't come back you wouldn't be posting. That's a fact.

Besides that, just because this board is installed on your server, doesn't make it yours. It belongs to the three people you gave it to, and it was awfully nice of you to allow them to host it here, temporarily. Unfortunately, now we see your true reasons for letting them host it here.

Just because you invited me into your house, doesn't give you the right to steal my wallet.

Again, I will not go into detail. I did give the board over to 3 people and I did say to all three that it may end up being a temporary situation. Regardles, that wasn't the point that drove me here. It had to do with two main issues. Fact is, all 3 couldn't run the show as one. Add to the pile the murkey waters of other problems which would cause the site to close and I felt that I needed to step in. I do not regret this issue and I completely see how you may wonder why.

However, I have done nothing directly that effects your stay here. When it all comes down to it you have an agenda and this is your propaganda.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

You said you passed the torch and said you were gone…for good… Yet you come back. In my book, that is a lie.

I feel personally slighted, as you put it, because I was lied too. I don't like it when people lie to me.

As for your handing it down and taking it back, you can state whatever you want. However, without any such proof; I'm not inclined to believe you.

You want me to cite another reason? How about teh reason you originally shut down was because people were starting to annoy you and hurt your feelings and it was hurting the Community? Thats my problem. I don't want to go back to those days. If you going to be the invisible hand, leave Tex in charge and just post like everyone else. Be invisible.

Its imperative that you give up the board, or else we'll be right back where we were when you decided to shut GBN down.

I have plenty of substance behinds my wants. I DO NOT WANT a person who either A.) Lies when he says he is leaving or B.) Someone who changes their mind on big issues like this at the head of this Community.
Furthermore, I don't want to relive the last days of GBN. It was bad enough to drive you off, so I'm sure most will agree it was bad.

On yo8ur side note; Its not like I'm trying to get banned :p I just don't like the fact I've been lied to and not given a explanation I feel worthy.