My Suggestion.

by Dahcs

21 years, 7 months ago

So the decision to de-admin TexasGB because he was threatening other users had nothing to with your decision to take over a site that you no longer owned.

As a side note, you're the LAST person who should be telling people who has an agenda and is using propaganda. Talk about calling the kettle black…

EDIT:: And I'm not Brian Reilly. LOL. That would be funny though.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

u gotta love how he siad “thats a fact” last time i check facts are based on either thigns that happend or solid evednce wich he has none of.

heres some of the facts i like

“chadlnx: But I care too much to let this go down the toilet.
chadlnx: This is simply a mismanagement problem.
ecto1 1223: there is no mismangement prob
chadlnx: Has nothing to do with you guys having cruel intentions, etc.
ecto1 1223: tex first of all thinks me and eric is out to get him, and wont listin to a word we say
chadlnx: I'll be honest.
chadlnx: I don't like the mod choices that you two came up with.
ecto1 1223: ill be honest i dont like u interfering after u gave us the board and siad u trusted us
ecto1 1223: some trust
chadlnx: Things need to be run a certain way.
chadlnx: You guys did it the EXACT opposite.
chadlnx: I handed things down to people for a reason.
ecto1 1223: the way we run it was wroking
ecto1 1223: there was a lot less argument
chadlnx: Because I trusted you would make things function properly.
ecto1 1223: ur certain way of things does not amke it the right way
ecto1 1223: i have told u this in the past
*** texascb13 has joined the chat.
texascb13: hey
chadlnx: I will not tolerate injustice.
chadlnx: Plain and simple.
ecto1 1223: there was no injustice
chadlnx: Tell me why he was demodded.
ecto1 1223: justice is for everone noty a select few
ecto1 1223: he wasen demoded, he was stilla mod, but was removed form admin for 2 weeks”


“chadlnx: Fact is, you and eric gave power to the wrong people.
ecto1 1223: ur still on this kick that were out to get u we suspendede u cuz u threatend ppl this has nothing to do with appeasement far as bacc and vinz is conred they can go jump off a birge in to a batch of acied
IcerRose: bridge and acid you mean?
ecto1 1223: fact is we gave power to the right ppl only some ppl u have perosnal gragment with, and u of all ppl should know u cant have perosnal gragements when making decisions
texascb13: Chad I think the boards are best in your hands

“chadlnx: Vinz, Bo, and company need to leave.
chadlnx: No questions asked.
chadlnx: If they cared about GB HALF as much as they did causing problems, playing politics, etc. the board would be a MUCH better place.
chadlnx: The fact is, they don't.

i left it as it was siad even my speling mistakes so no one could say i altered the text. but how do yall like my facts?

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

You said you passed the torch and said you were gone…for good… Yet you come back. In my book, that is a lie.

I feel personally slighted, as you put it, because I was lied too. I don't like it when people lie to me.

Ok, so you wanted GBN to go away? And even so, it's back. How does that effect you? If you dislike the fact that it has returned, don't visit.

I see it as someone saying “you know what, I want vanilla”. Then saying, “nevermind, I want strawberry”. I made a decision and then I reevaluated. I think it is always best for people to accomplish what they feel is right. Taking GBN down was, in hindsight, not the correct thing for me to do.

As for your handing it down and taking it back, you can state whatever you want. However, without any such proof; I'm not inclined to believe you.

Fair enough, it's a free country. So we agree to disagree.

You want me to cite another reason? How about teh reason you originally shut down was because people were starting to annoy you and hurt your feelings and it was hurting the Community? Thats my problem. I don't want to go back to those days. If you going to be the invisible hand, leave Tex in charge and just post like everyone else. Be invisible.

So when kids throw stones at your house, you should pack up and leave? I don't think so. Like I said, no politics in the forums. That will be the only rule that stays regardless of what the community votes. And you just cited a perfect reason this implementation needs to occur.

That said, I fail to see what the problem is. Things are running smoothly.

Its imperative that you give up the board, or else we'll be right back where we were when you decided to shut GBN down.

We will never be in that situation, or even close to it, again. You can count on that much.

I have plenty of substance behinds my wants. I DO NOT WANT a person who either A.) Lies when he says he is leaving or B.) Someone who changes their mind on big issues like this at the head of this Community.
Furthermore, I don't want to relive the last days of GBN. It was bad enough to drive you off, so I'm sure most will agree it was bad.

Again, we will agree to disagree. I made a decision and revaluated. I see nothing wrong with that as long as nobody is hurt. You view this as a lie, I don't. What's the worst that happens, GBN is back and people get to read the fan fic and watch an episode or two of RGB?

On yo8ur side note; Its not like I'm trying to get banned :p I just don't like the fact I've been lied to and not given a explanation I feel worthy.


by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 7 months ago

I will admit this chad, since you have returned and taken the boards over, there has been much more hostility and fighting amung members.. I still fail to see why all this is necessary, tex was only temporarily demoted to mod and would return to admin in a period of two weeks, you also dumped alot of mods and placed your close personal friends as mods, not to say they wont or cant do a good job but the mods we had before were doing a great job, fights were down people were just starting to get settled in and the GB discussing was going full tilt, the community looked strong! I hope you understand how and why people are angry with you.

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

I will admit this chad, since you have returned and taken the boards over, there has been much more hostility and fighting amung members.. I still fail to see why all this is necessary, tex was only temporarily demoted to mod and would return to admin in a period of two weeks, you also dumped alot of mods and placed your close personal friends as mods, not to say they wont or cant do a good job but the mods we had before were doing a great job, fights were down people were just starting to get settled in and the GB discussing was going full tilt, the community looked strong! I hope you understand how and why people are angry with you.

Valid point. I will again ask this question. When kids throw rocks at your house, do you pack up and move?

You either choose to come here in peace or you don't come at all. I fail to see how that is unreasonable.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

Also for very important reasons which I cannot disclose, I had to come back and set a few things straight before this board became history via cease and desist.

Just thought I'd point this out to a few people…as they seem to either have missed it, or are uncertain what a “cease and desist” order are. I would also like to take a moment to point out that this board isn't officially affiliated with Sony, but uses more than a couple things that technically belong to them.

I personally think it might be a good idea to drop the subject. Chad says he's got a reason for being back, that's good enough for me. Only a crazy man would come back to the kind of vitriolic ramblings posted in his direction because he felt like it…and Chad doesn't strike me as crazy.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

and i feel the need to say they cant put a cease and desist order on freadom of speach (anyone that wants to argue with me on that fact can send me a pm viva aim, cuz i grew up with 2 lawers my mother and father), chads bacc cuz he didentl like the way things were being run and the choices we made.

now i may not know everyhing, but i do know the only people i heard real complaints from was tex when he was suspended,. firnds of proton charger when he was suspended, and chad on teh subjects that he dident like the mods we piced or that tex was suspended.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 7 months ago

Translation: And I feel the need to say that they can't put a Cease and Desist Order on freedom of speech.

Ah, but can't a Cease and Desist Order be put on Slandering?

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

yes, but u really have to understand Slandering and freadome of speach,
slandering is Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. the only times i sean comapny take slandering action is with comapnys like news papers, or a cmpany that has a website that slanders them peronsaly stating flase facts

no where did i see that happeing to sony on this site

now freadom of speach…im sure a lot of ppl know about it and they can but the only way they cna do the c&d order is if “speech-restricting contract” that one im sure everon heard of, like u make a deal withsomone to give them something adn not other people, or u sign somehting when wroking at a company that says u wont disclose information going on at that company.

the other deals with internet, and that is a person can not give out a perosons peronal information unless they have permission.

by Mr.Pink

21 years, 7 months ago

I should also remind everyone that Chad's leagal mobo jombo has NEVER gone through, ever. Before he “passed the torch” he said that any sites that had any information posted about him keeping the comic book, then known as “IT” on the down low would get “major leagal problems” well, that never happened. Not to mention the message boards were no more than that, message boards, and such had no illegal content. Funny how that's Chad's ONLY excuse sometimes. I filled my family in on what Chad does, and his background, they thought he was funny as heck and a looser beyond the boarders. Congrats, Chaddo, non-gb fans even hate you. But you knew that, seeing as your collage hated you along with the entire “save napster” community.

Which is another thing, your so against internet file trading and piracy on the internet… a highly noble cause seeing as more than half the world hates ya for it… but what's this I see? Streaming Ghostbusters episodes!? Now where did you get those Chaddo? The market?