My Suggestion.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

Dr. Riddle
Ah, but can't a Cease and Desist Order be put on Slandering?
Heh…my mother does medical transcription, that doesn't make me a doctor. Are they criminal lawyers? Tax lawyers, perhaps? A C&D is a specialized thing that they could be very excellent lawyers and still know not much about.

Though I might ask them about “libel”.

by Mr.Pink

21 years, 7 months ago

Which is another thing man, nothing false about Sony OR Chaddo has been posted. There goes Libel out the window, eh?

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

and i feel the need to say they cant put a cease and desist order on freadom of speach (anyone that wants to argue with me on that fact can send me a pm viva aim, cuz i grew up with 2 lawers my mother and father), chads bacc cuz he didentl like the way things were being run and the choices we made.

now i may not know everyhing, but i do know the only people i heard real complaints from was tex when he was suspended,. firnds of proton charger when he was suspended, and chad on teh subjects that he dident like the mods we piced or that tex was suspended.

You are more than welcome to contact your local lawyer on this issue. Apparently you don't understand the issue of licensing copyrights, etc.

You can also contact 88mph studios on this matter if you wish.

by soulwrangler1

21 years, 7 months ago

Wow, telling your family about a webmaster that you don't like.

How… geeky.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago


1 me chad go way bacc,
2 i wasent telling the webmaster about my fam, i was telling anyone who wanted to arguee wtih me.

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

Slander is not the issue. Misrepresentation of licensed product is just one example. Has nothing to do with defemation, slander, or libel.

by soulwrangler1

21 years, 7 months ago

Guilty concious stargate? Wasn't aimed at you, if my parents were lawyers I'd ask them about the cease and desist stuff as well.

by Mr.Pink

21 years, 7 months ago

No man, he was speaking to me. And yes I am a geek. So what? I still think I'm cool, and am happy with my place in life. They were just concerned when they read a convo were I was talking about “A sicko who sends nude photos of himself to others and tries to cyber with under age girls”.

And out of curiosity, mis-repersentation of WHAT product? Your the one that put all the 88mph news back up.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

ok info on copyright when it comes to freadom of speach…..

under copy right law u can not…
include more than a modicum of creative expression from a persons book when u publish ur own.

u know waht to amke this short

its a law that copyright law does not give anyone a right to restrict others from communicating facts or ideas

by DocRyedale

21 years, 7 months ago