My Suggestion.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago


sorry dude
saw family and automaticly thought u ment me

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

Dr. Riddle

if my post sounded threating to u im sorry i was jsut trying to expline.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Yes we agree to disagree. Although, I'm inclined to take verything I read on the internet with a grain of salt, so this “legality” issue about your return is not the right grain of salt. Especially seeing how this came up and you reconsidered your acts when something didn't go YOUR way.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

I've said it before, I'll say it again…there's more at work here then we have info on. I've proven in the past that I know more about what's going on that I'm letting on…so just trust me on this. I think I've got a pretty good idea what's going on now, and I think we all just need to drop it. None of this is helping, and is probably doing the exact opposite.

You're right, copyright law does not limit freedom of speech, but it could bring a screeching halt to all the graphics, fanfic, props, and several other aspects of the board. (Hell, just ask some Trek fans about their props and Paramount) If a corporate lawyer really wanted to cut loose on a fan board…ANY fan board…it'd be dead in the water. And that's just a sad fact of life.

by soulwrangler1

21 years, 7 months ago

Aside from feelings being hurt, usually nothing. Unless one person decides to take it and run run run to legal action.

And toy geek is right, Marvel went around closing down fan sites and even going as far to remove Sims Skins from sites. You want that to happen to the GB community? No? Then let the legality issue drop.

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

You're right, copyright law does not limit freedom of speech, but it could bring a screeching halt to all the graphics, fanfic, props, and several other aspects of the board. (Hell, just ask some Trek fans about their props and Paramount) If a corporate lawyer really wanted to cut loose on a fan board…ANY fan board…it'd be dead in the water. And that's just a sad fact of life.

You hit it right on the head. Certain people hold the keys to the intellectual property that is Ghostbusters. They have the right to revoke those images or likeness at anytime. ESPECIALLY when they see their product being misrepresented, mishandled, misappropriated, etc.

by soulwrangler1

21 years, 7 months ago

*checks out his hobo ghostbuster avatar* eh, Aykroyd would like it.

by Mr.Pink

21 years, 7 months ago

Funny, you would think if this were true, Night Squad would eb shut down, or if this is true, they would be mostly checking on us now, and see how much we hate you. And how much damage you cause with you mere presense.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

It seems ASAP's Gb Forums operate smoothly…. I don't see the Law comign down on us and your not there…

What happened to the “Fair use Policy”?

by texasgb1

21 years, 7 months ago

They are not going to care about feuds Pink. What the executives and right holders care about is that the ghostbusters franchise and its projects are not being misrepresented.