My Suggestion.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

ESPECIALLY when they see their product being misrepresented, mishandled, misappropriated, etc.

The trick here is that they don't even have to prove that it really IS being misrepresented, etc etc…they just have to prove that they THINK it's being so. It's a loophole the size of a small country, and copyright lawyers use it all the time. I know of one toy company that were only allowed to use APPROVED sculptors or they weren't allowed to make figures. If they had anyone that wasn't on the approved list sculpt any part of the figure, then the license owner could have sued them for it under the same label of “mishandled”.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

Mr. Pink
And how much damage you cause with you mere presense.

You know…there's more damage being done by people complaining about Chad being here than there is by his actual presence.


Heh…didn't think that'd make it through. Forgot the language filter isn't on.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

It's odd how that if this people are so lightning fast, how come we lastedt two weeks?

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

well going by loopholes if this site was under watch then chad should not have“The official Ghostbusters community message board” cuz ghostbusters is a trademark of sony, and using official without noticication is agenst the law, plus he advertises his own biz, which drops this under a comercial site in loop holes, which makes all teh copyright matiral also agenst the law.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Once again, I ask how the ASAP GBforums can surrvive without Chad sheltering them? We've been going strong for several years now…

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

Once again, I ask how the ASAP GBforums can surrvive without Chad sheltering them? We've been going strong for several years now…

Did you happen to notice that it was certain threads that had the content deleted due to “legal reasons”? Do the math, folks…

by ajquick1

21 years, 7 months ago

It seems ASAP's Gb Forums operate smoothly…. I don't see the Law comign down on us and your not there…

The ASAP forums have a pre-existing agreement with the studios, and the license owners of the ghostbusters properties to allow us to operate freely, with our few rules in effect that are enforced heavily.

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

AJ Quick
It seems ASAP's Gb Forums operate smoothly…. I don't see the Law comign down on us and your not there…

The ASAP forums have a pre-existing agreement with the studios, and the license owners of the ghostbusters properties to allow us to operate freely, with our few rules in effect that are enforced heavily.

Exactly. This forum has been running on ZERO rules and ZERO community standards/ norms. Everything has been casual and things have suffered from a legal standpoint.

We are beating a dead horse. I just want everyone who enjoys the GHOSTBUSTERS movies, cartoons, and spirit to drop their chips on their shoulders and COME TOGETHER. This is a GREAT opportunity for EVERYONE (and I do mean everyone) to start over brand new.

It comes down to this. Which do you care about more; virtual politics of the past or GHOSTBUSTERS!

I don't know about you, but I vote GHOSTBUSTERS and I'm about to pop it in right now, I suggest you all do the same.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

“This is a GREAT opportunity for EVERYONE (and I do mean everyone) to start over brand new”

id love it if that was ture, but thats just a face for the public isent it?
after all it was u who siad

“chadlnx: Vinz, Bo, and company need to leave.
chadlnx: No questions asked. ”

so ur statement should have read

“This is a GREAT opportunity for EVERYONE (and by everyone only the people i think) to start over brand new”

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Well if the legal issue is about rules, a fact that you have just now revealed, then I have less of a problem. Seeing how I was insisting that we needed rules if we were going to suspend people( Proton Charger namely) before you took over.

But you seem to be focusing more on: Legal Stuff you don't need to know about/understand than Legal issues because we have no rules…

Just for the record, I care more about Ghostbusters than politics. But I don't call leaving and reappearing politics…

Also for the record, I care more about Ghostbusters 2