My Suggestion.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

“chadlnx: Vinz, Bo, and company need to leave.
chadlnx: No questions asked.”

Just as an aside…Bo was the one that started one of the threads that was deleted for “legal reasons”. One of the things that was said in Chad's replacement post was a direct contradiction to something Bo had stated in HIS post. Isn't it possible that someone stepped on some toes that they shouldn't have stepped on? Chad's already said that he can't get into the reasons behind whatever may be happening legally…couldn't “no questions asked” just mean that he couldn't talk about WHY they needed to go? We all know about Chad and Bo's problems in the past, if it was just a personality conflict, which Chad's not been shy about owning up to before, why wouldn't he just say so?

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

“This is a GREAT opportunity for EVERYONE (and I do mean everyone) to start over brand new”

id love it if that was ture, but thats just a face for the public isent it?
after all it was u who siad

“chadlnx: Vinz, Bo, and company need to leave.
chadlnx: No questions asked. ”

so ur statement should have read

“This is a GREAT opportunity for EVERYONE (and by everyone only the people i think) to start over brand new”

I stand by my statement. Anyone who chooses petty infighting/politics over Ghostbusters SHOULD leave. They have not, and refuse to contribute to the rules or mod structre of this forum's future. Like others have said before me, they are the aggressive ones. I just came to make things right and set things straight. No need for hostility. If they want to be peaceful, that's fine they don't have to participate if they don't want to. But if they have “issues”, either voice them in a constructive manner or leave. THAT is what a healthy community is. I think people have lost site of COMMUNITY, this is a COMMUNITY not a FREE-FOR-ALL.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Please define Constructive Manner, so it will be clear to myself before I post anything else. To make sure I am following the Guidelines….

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

Please define Constructive Manner, so it will be clear to myself before I post anything else. To make sure I am following the Guidelines….

Use common sense. I am not being unreasonable.

Don't flood the boards, have respect for EVERYONE on the boards, participate in the FUTURE of this forum and drop the past.

I think that is a good start.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, Common sense can have different meanings to two different people. For instance, how can you talk about the future of somthing without mentioning the past?

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, I for one would define part of common sense as:

“Not being contrary just for the sake of contrariness”

This discussion is beginning to remind me of the “Argument Sketch” from Monty Python…

by Chad

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, Common sense can have different meanings to two different people. For instance, how can you talk about the future of somthing without mentioning the past?

Either you want to work on the future or you'd rather find fault with everything BECAUSE of the past. Basically what this whole thread is about.

I will not longer waste my energy on threads like these. I will be busy helping the Ghostheads who want to move forward do so.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, I believe may have a valid point now that your not wasting your time.

If we're setting up new rules, shouldn't we reflect on the ones we have had in the past to see if they worked?

And the whole point of my thread was that: I was offended and I felt like I had been lied too. Now what other epople did to my thread I cannot help.

Toygeek, if I was being Contrary just to be contrary I would find something very minimal to argue about, ie: Chickens should have a tineg of grey in them Chad. Your avatar is incorrect.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 7 months ago

Exactly. This forum has been running on ZERO rules and ZERO community standards/ norms. Everything has been casual and things have suffered from a legal standpoint.

The community has been operating under common sense rules and basic respect for the 3 week since you turned the Mboards over. now enough with the legal mumbo jumbo heres what im going to do and I suggest the rest of you do as well, sit back for a week or two and see what happens, if you dont like what chad has done then leave if you do then stay. its that simple folks bitching right now isnt going to get us anywhere the community is already in downward spiral and close to crashing. just wait it out

by back

21 years, 7 months ago

Lets put it this was without trying to sound like a real ass hole. Its chads servers, its chads site, its his money, its his god damn right to do whatever he wants. he left carrying GBN with him - you bitched. he returned - you bitched. he puts fourth quite a bit to give us a haven for our lust of Ghostbusters where others may dislike it or forgotten it. be greatful or pack up and leave like you would another chat room, message board or site. I hope that i was blunt enough to make my point clear.
im gone.