My Suggestion.

by Kingpin

21 years, 7 months ago

Look guys…we've argued enough. Alright, sure Chad said he was going, but is his coming back really a huge problem? Alright, his handling of the MODs and Admins was badly done, notification would have been better, and I won't lie that this hasn't brought back bad feelings.

But it's a new board, practically a fresh start, we had a reintroduction topic…why not wipe the slate clean and start over? because all this arguing is getting us zip, nada, zero…NOWHERE.

BTW, the legal issues concerned one topic posted by Bo, where he said something untrue about El Diablo, and another was unwittingly posted by me, I guess I must have posted some unconfirmed info. I'm actually glad Chad deleted it, who knows what mighta happened…I guess that's one of the smaller reasons for his return.

Now let's get back to what's more important then petty differences and arguing…getting this bloody community running again. Yeesh.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

if chad would ahve came to us in the first palce and siad it was legal issues, then maybe i would belive, him, but no he took over control, and in the 2 chats he talked with us he never once minched leagle issues which elaves me to belive that is bs, his reason for comming bacc is he dident like things not being run his way, and when people started attackeing him he siad it was legal issues to dogage danger. if there was a legal issue y not come to us and tell us about it first,

truth is chad is screwing the community, hes lieing about this legal mumbo jumbo to get ppl on his side, and its sad to say its working for him.
and i know some people are saying give him time maby what he does will be good, but wtf, u all know what he did was wrong, if he would have came to us first adn talked about it then id be a little understanding but he went about it the wrong way and screwed everone. and the people that knows hes screwed them, may act like his firneds but there just scrwing him over. 2 wrongs dont make a right but it does make it = in my book.

by mellie1

21 years, 7 months ago

alright, so maybe Chad could gone about this differently…everyone has made some wrong choices here.

Chad, to you, I think that if you wanted to get us on the right track you should have done so BEFORE you left. By returning it put the image that you're back to screw us around, whether it's true or not. Whatever the reasons for texasgb being temporarily de-admin.'d, it was most likely the right thing to do. No on here should be above “the law” as it's been put. You trusted 3 people with the boards, if 2 of them felt the 3rd was abusing powers then they had perfect right to deal with it. Aside from all that crap, I for one do appreciate the time, effort, and money put into this and GBN. It was a devistating loss when it was shut down. I'm sure you have a feeling of ownership, etc. here…and maybe the guys weren't doing things exactly how u would have, but you ‘passed the tourch’ to them. You're complaining as much as everyone else here, only about different things.

To everyone else, if you don't like how Chad runs things, or that he's back, you don't need to stay here. Go make your own. Maybe Brian went about it the wrong way, but at least he made an effort. You're all sitting around whining like babies. If you really hate Chad and his site so much go somewhere else. If you are all truly here about GB then forget about the other crap, put it behind you and get on with it. Not everyone can like everyone else, or agree with their ideas. I'm not liked by all, and I don't like everyone here. But I don't set out to destroy them. The petiness of some of the things everyone complains about is ridiculous. Look in the mirror. Read your own posts as if they were someone else's. Try to look at the big picture. Is this really worth destroying what we have. Sure it's got holes in it….so what?

This whole thing makes me think of bill gates and microsoft. Chad is bill….gbn is microsoft……people hate bill gates but they still go out and buy his products. That's what happens here. So, either sit back, relax…grab a crunch bar..try to help out…and see what happens…or leave now. Unless of course you're chained to your computer and the only site you can get to is this one, and the cursor clicks on every single post and makes u read it…cause if u don't u'll die a horrible death….then well i guess you have no choice, eh?

And on a final note, I was pleased to see that the complaints here were done in a good manner, and I hope that people will take this as an example. It's still irritating, but at least it's not childish name calling. I just had to say this before I popped….take it or leave it, it doesn't matter to me.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 7 months ago

Wasn't Microsoft broken up because of it being a Monopoly? :p

I don't see how most of the stuff here is childish. It appears finally there has been a clean, professional Debate on the boards without breaking down into “your and idoit cuz i said so”.

I'm staying here, but I can't help feel like I was lied to. And that was my entire point.

by Mr.Pink

21 years, 7 months ago

Do you know WHY we wanted and still want Chad to go? because of ALL his actions, his LACK of producing much of anything he says he will. He said GB 2.0 will be “great” and have a new look yadda yadda yadda… we got nothing. Just him saying that he was no longer motivated for a GBN 2.0.

Oh so great, he's lied once.

how about his LACK of managment abilities? Most of you were not around last summer when Chad vanished off the face of the planet, not a word from him for at least two months. In which time the boards fell apart. The guy can't even admit when he's wrong. He's a spineless lil twirp. He gets a power trip off of having so much “controll” over a group of people. He wont admit it, he says he “for the community”. If he really was he wouldnt have suddenly snatched back the boards, and blamed it on legal issues that more than likely DO NOT EXCIST. He has ALWAYS blamed things on legal issues, and never, not once has things come to legal issues.

“Cease and decsist” seem to be his favorite lines lately, notice how he onyl says that ALL the time? Or how about his “No politics” rule? Yeah, funny that came into play because so many people were speaking out about how much they HATE HIM. Even “big wigs” of the community hate his guts. Or how about people like back can openly attack people and has one of the filthiest mouths on this board, but oh god forbid he catch you being like that! Hypocrit.

And I assure you, people who back me up are not against Ghostheads, we're strictly against Chad, his endless lies and sickingly perverse actions have proven he is a sad little man. Look at the rest of the internet, Napster fans hate him, his collage has an article about how much of a crappy person he is. How he is infact turn faced, a liar, who will only go to whats in the best intrest of his OWN needs.

You don't think Chad had this planned? i wouldnt put it past the little twirp. Shut down GBN to gain some sympathy, heck he's done it before, and bring it back. Like he's Jesus or something. Anyone who just goes off and says “why don't we just forgive and forget”, you don't understand, PEOPLE HAVE on SEVERAL occasions. Enough is enough. I'm here to spite him.

Yeah it's true we all like or love ghostbusters, but that ended when i relised that the guy running something that should be so pure, is so sickening. We will not give up, we will succeed. And we will not let Chad have his regime over communities like he has planned.


21 years, 7 months ago

Okay, Chad, I'm going to be frank about this. Basically, I think this is the main problem with everyone:

The way you say things doesn't help matters at all. What I mean is, whatever you say has a tendency to come out making you sound like you're the only one who can run a successful GB site and no one else is worthy enough for the task. If you intended that or not, I dunno. But I've been reading all the posts, and frankly all of your responses come off like you're a pompous asshole with an indifference complex.

GBN was great. I regret ignoring it all the times it came up in my web searches. What was not great was the fact you seemed to do things with an iron fist. Your rules were longwinded and a majority contradictory of others as well as the basic civil liberties we all have. Yes, we all want a good and wholesome board where we can express our love for GB, but I know myself I didn't want a place run like Nazi Germany to do it in.

Now, these are just a couple of impressions I was getting over the last few months. And if I was getting them, I'm pretty damn sure others were as well. Now's the time for change, I would think. You're back, but the question is can you learn from the past or are we just going to have a repeat of the BS that went on before the fall? Are we all gonna learn from the past, or have a repeat of the BS that happened before the fall?

To you, Chad, I would suggest you take a look at what people are saying, because without them there's no need for a GBN. And for everyone else, I suggest trying to work past differences, because without the people in charge, there isn't a GBN. We all need each other, and we need to learn to start working together on every level in every way. And if that's too difficult a task for EVERYONE, then I think this board should be shut down right now and save the future anguish on both sides.

by mellie1

21 years, 7 months ago

jesusfreak, that's what i said, i said it wasn't childish…..sorry if i worded it wrong or something….but that's what i meant. This is a good example of how to voice your complaints.

mr. pink, I know I wasn't around for all that, and I'm not saying to forgive and forget….I'm not behind Chad…but I am behind this site. If someone can do better go right ahead, I'll go there. But that's my point, everyone complains but no one will do anything. Out of all of us, there must be others who have the ability to make this stuff???

This is what we have for now, like it or not. I just think that we should just deal with it as best we can. At least some people have been giving their suggestions instead of just complaining.

by Mr.Pink

21 years, 7 months ago

I assure you. people are try'ing to put thier heads together to get away from GBN's nazi germany.

by FettsBounty

21 years, 7 months ago

Also for very important reasons which I cannot disclose, I had to come back and set a few things straight before this board became history via cease and desist.

I made a decision and then I reevaluated.

Which is it?

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 7 months ago

I actually dont care at all about GBN. I stopped watching the episodes because of quality, I can post my props on AJs Site, and as far as fan fiction, it was nice but primarily I didnt read much of it. As far as news Netsolo and Castewar seem to have that down. So my only real reason was the board.
I dont understand why it says the Ghostbusters message board instead of Chads message board. And I only say that cause he promptyly showed hes the only one who has power over the board. I mean the old mods and rules if any just dissappeared like that.