I really liked GBN.
I really liked the GBN message board.
I don't know the administrator nor the moderators, and I don't need to (with all due respect).
I just like Ghostbusters.
I didn't like it when GBN message board stopped.
I didn't like it at all when GBN (the rest) stopped along with it.
I liked the fact that there was a new board. I like it very much.
I liked the fact that GBN came back. I liked GBN because of GBN itself and not because of the GBN message board. It's good that there's a message board. I like the present one, but I honestly don't care whichever person administrates or runs the whole shabang, as long as normal fans can normally talk about normal (well… normal…

I'm pretty sure I don't have a complete picture of ‘the situation’, but I don't want to, and neither do many normal Ghostheads, I reckon, as they post here and read about this topic, and getting completely fed up with it; I'd say, this is a true waste of time and bites.
As William Shatner once said during SNL: “Get A Life!”
Enjoy GB, but don't let your life be run by it.