My wish for the comic= No laziness

by protondefender2

20 years, 10 months ago

So far, all the artwork we've seen has been simply awesome. . .I sincerely hope that the artists won't get lazy after the initial boom of the comic, and lose their attention to details. It's unfortunate that many comics get hyped (rightly so) have great beginning issues, and then the fuel of the creative team is gone. Sometimes it takes a year or so, but it can happen (Voltron is a good example of this). I don't think it will happen, since the creative team are such fans of GB. . .so here's to future success!

by DocRyedale

20 years, 10 months ago

by brianreilly

20 years, 10 months ago

Dr. Riddle
I agree. I'd like to see them give us art (Or at least covers.) like these two every time:

I definitely don't want them to get lazy, but I sincerely hope that if we get an ongoing, they'll knock it off with the variant covers.

There's nothing I hate more than variant covers. And as a serious comic collector, I have to shell out the money for them if I want to be able to call my collection “complete”.

I'll state flat out right here, right now, that I will personally boycott this comic if 88MPH does anything to blatantly sucker money out of us like someone did with Gen13. For anyone who doesn't know, they released 13 variant covers, and it was the day I quit reading comics for over a year.

by d_osborn

20 years, 10 months ago

you don't have to buy each variant cover to enjoy the comic… to me, collecting isn't owning every single thing in a “set”, it's owning and enjoying things i like… i consider myself a pretty hardcore GB collector, but i'm not exactly fond of the normal cover for issue 1. i'm probably just going to pick up the variant cover, and be happy….

by ghostbuster6261

20 years, 10 months ago

yea I dont want Variant covers when the ongoing comes out…too much $$$

by DocRyedale

20 years, 10 months ago

by doyle

20 years, 10 months ago

I thought the reg covers looked a little sloppy. The intiriors didn't seem penciled that poorly though, so it might be at fault of the inker, we'll see..

by DocRyedale

20 years, 10 months ago

by protondefender2

20 years, 10 months ago

I didn't mind the 1st regular cover, but the second reg. cover, seemed. . .bland (best word I can think of right now). I assume that only with the first 4 issues we will get a variant cover (maybe 6; Slimer and Stay-Puft variants for #5/6). Covers are tricky, trying to catch the eye, and be truthful to the contents inside, while maintaing the same style as the story. There's nothing I hate more than an overblown cover, followed by shitty art/story-telling. I want to see a kickass fold-out cover of the Ecto personally. . .

by soulwrangler1

20 years, 10 months ago

Dr. Riddle
As much as I don't like you,

Tsk tsk Riddle, that's uncalled for.

I miss patton myself personally… but Kurth's pencils are solid, and we've pretty much only seen the covers and 3 interior pages.

Lets revisit this topic in February when the book is out and we're all not having Valentines Dates.