Napster: you're gonna kill me Chad...


23 years ago

i just got a techno remix of the gb theme off of KaZaA, and it rocks!

by Chad

23 years ago

I'm not quite sure how this subject got brought up, but I'm not trying to “save napster”.

That so happens to be the domain of a site that I still run and own, but that is in the past.

I now work at Capitol Records, soon actually to work at Warner Bros. Records.

Before that I have worked at, and Sub Pop Records. was a VERY small part of my career in the online music industry and shouldn't be mentioned for debate.

As far as I see it, it was a learning experience.

by CaptainN

23 years ago

Hey Chad,

Wasn't that site a reason why awhile back some amateur hacker hacked into GB Central and screwed it up for awhile?


The Grid: Ok! Where's my twinkie?

by GBTaiMaiShu

23 years ago

oh okay