Need a very important safety tip...

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 8 months ago

Last year I bought a couple of PKE meters by Matty Collector, but only opened one… the other is still unopened… should I open it and remove the batteries to avoid those to leak inside the PKE meter? those are alkalines, aren´t those?
Thanks in advance

by ghost_buster_x

13 years, 8 months ago

actually yes i would because if the battery starts to leak the can seriously degrade the value of it but correct me if i'm wrong.

by Cosmic-Riptide

13 years, 8 months ago

I did. Considering that the packing isn't actually sealed, I didn't feel like I was depreciating the toy's value at all. Just take note of how it's packaged, carefully place the packing-peanuts in a clean container, use an appropriately sized screw driver (so you don't chew up the screw heads), and then put it all back as it was.

Otherwise, the batteries will eventually leak, and when they do they'll corrode the PKE's battery contacts (at the very least).

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 8 months ago

Thank you guys, I will remove the batteries… and that´s what I was scared of, Cosmic, the depreciating of the toy´s value after opening it.

I´ll let you know when I´m done with it.