Need help, a few videos or pics are OK

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 11 months ago

Hi there people, I´m coming asking for some help… weeks ago I asked a friend of mine to contact me with some people who could help me building a semipro proton pack, he contacted me with a guy who makes props for movies on Mexico City, I sent him some prop plans I got from and after checked ´em out, he gave me a good price (about $600 US dollars). So now I would like to find some videos from some homemade proton packs that includes lights and sounds, and some videos of the ghost trap opening and closing, and being released from the base (you know, like when you put it onthe containment unit), so the guy could make it the better way possible.
Anyone here have some props with light effects? ghost traps? Any help will be appreciated.

by Chrisakamagic83

14 years, 11 months ago

Go on youtube and type in Magicmagician83 in the search bar. My videos will come up. I have one of my custom radio shack gun light job with just a bargraph some white LED's and a blinking red LED and also in some of the others you can see my pack lights but its not showcased.

Basically for the pack the effect is you have four red lights in the cyclotron that chase/light one at a time in a circle I have seen it go in either direction. Then you have the blue powercell consisting of 15 blue led's that light up one at a time from bottom to top, staying lit until the top one lights then all go out and the sequence repeats. The speed of both the cyclotron and the powercell lights varies depending on what you want to achieve but most people have the cyclotron rather slow and the powercell sped up.

Hope this helps.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 11 months ago

I still need pics of the trap being released from the base, cause I will build a Containment Unit (that opens and you can put the trap there, you know, to storage ghosts) in my house, any help would be appreciated.

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

Wouldn't a lot of work be covered by lending him a copy of the DVD?

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 11 months ago

Wouldn't a lot of work be covered by lending him a copy of the DVD?
I already thought doing that, but I´m afraid the guy isn`t that familiar with the GB props… so I´m searching the best props´ pics or videos possible and send them to him… for a better quality on the accuracy of the prop.

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

But that's the thing, you can't get more accurate than the DVDs/Bluray of the movie, and the reference photos on GBFans. Youtube videos don't always show the things they're filming in the best possible quality.